As announced earlier this month, the MacUpdate Bundle Promo offers a number of applications in one package for a substantially discounted price. The offer started with seven applications in the bundle for US$49.99 and has been added to ever since. With the promotion winding down this week (only about 38 hours left as of press time), MacUpdate has sweetened the offer with the addition of more applications, totaling 13. These include: ForkLift, RapidWeaver, Swift Publisher, Marine Aquarium, Xslimmer, MemoryMiner, Yep, SRS iWOW, Things Preview, RAGE MapDesign, XMIND 2008 Pro, iStabilize, and PulpMotion — all for US$63.94 ($686.69 retail). From now until everything wraps up, the price will slowly go up until the Bundle Promo closes.