Time Magazine has published a report to its Web site on Apple’s new iPod nano, including comments by Steve Jobs, Apple’s VP of industrial design Jonathan Ive, and senior vice president Phil Schiller, notes MacNN. The story calls the nano, an “absurdly tiny, unbearably sexy successor to the iPod mini.” Schiller said “We use every fraction of a millimeter of space to get things in there. It’s like a puzzle to fit all that stuff together. It has the tightest tolerances of anything we’ve ever made in the history of this company.” In addition the article notes “Add to that the nightmare of manufacturing a delicate little Fabergé egg like the Nano in the quantities that rapacious appetites will demand this fall, and you get a sense of the degree of difficulty. Steve Jobs commented “It’s been an enormous bet. This is probably one of the most aggressive volume ramps in the history of consumer electronics.”