Big Nerd Ranch today announced the popular Cocoa Bootcamp, featuring the Core Data. “Core Data represents one of the Tiger’s key new features by simplifying the creation of data models for the developer. Features such as redo, undo and data persistence are now integrated components of Tiger that aid in streamlining the development process. Cocoa Bootcamp instructor, Aaron Hillegass, recently re-structured the curriculum, incorporating Core Data and other exciting new Tiger features into the existing syllabus. These updates are vital in helping students emerge from the intensive, five-day bootcamp armed with the most cutting-edge skills available to Cocoa developers.” The class takes place November 14-18, 2005 in a retreat setting outside Atlanta, GA, and is priced at US$3500, which includes lodging, all meals, original instruction materials, 24-hour lab access, and transportation to and from the Atlanta airport.