MacHack PR: Hacking on the rise

MacHack: The Annual Conference for Leading Edge Developers
c/o Expotech
1264 Bedford Road
Grosse Point Park, MI 48230
Contact: Carol Lynn

Tel: (313) 882-1824


Dearborn, MI — May 5, 1999 — Paralleling the rise of Apple
Computer, Inc., the Macintosh platform’s premiere developer
conference is experiencing rapid growth. The June 23-26 conference,
MacHack 14 (, has already demonstrated strong
registration and a new level of excitement.

“It’s amazing,” said Carol Lynn, conference manager. “We’ve never
seen this kind of student enthusiasm. Attendance is at record levels.”

The early registration drive that ended April 15, generated a record
number of registrations. There is still room, but the conference is
limited to 400 attendees and is expected to fill at the current pace
of registration. Student registration is somewhat tighter as it is
limited to 50 and is filling quickly.

Students may register for $50 which includes full conference
attendance as well as a special meal package provided by MindVision
Software ( Regular attendees can register
for the conference at the regular rate of $525 which includes the
full conference package.

There’s still plenty of time to register, simply go to the conference
web site and register either via the secure online form or via the
snail mail form. Conference registration includes meals and full
access to all conference events. See the web site for full

The MacHack planning committee is putting the final touches on the
overall conference plan which can be examined at the conference
website (

MacHack, in its fourteenth year, remains centered around cutting edge
software development. Each year the conference brings together
well-known names in the software business, as well as many students
and upstarts whose names we’ll know soon enough, and fosters
interaction between all of the attendees. MacHack’s uniqueness
derives from the informal feel and the LIVE coding that occurs
around-the-clock during the conference.

MacHack 1999 will take place June 23-26 in Dearborn, Michigan.
MacHack is a registered trademark of Expotech, Inc.