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Load Impact Insights, a load testing solution, now available

Load Impact ( — a provider of SaaS solutions for load testing of websites, apps and APIs — has announced its next generation load testing results analysis solution, Load Impact Insights. 

With Insights, you can store your test results in the cloud, analyze results and see important data trends. Insights helps you uncover and fix performance issues early in the development process. This lets you deliver better performing websites, apps and APIs faster, according to Haakan Tylen, CEO at Load Impact. 

Insights works with k6, an open source load generator. Insights and k6 have been built from the ground up to support modern DevOps workflows. k6 allows developers and testers to collaborate on load testing (aka performance testing) at different stages of the dev cycle. With k6, developers can run tests locally, behind the firewall. Local execution is ideal for developers to run load tests as part of their Continuous Integration process, according to Robin Gustafsson, CTO at Load Impact.

k6 uses ES6 JavaScript as its scripting language for load tests. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in use today. The k6 test results can easily be streamed to Load Impact Insights for storage, analysis, sharing and trending.

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