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Mac OS X software updates for July 27


Here are the latest updates for Mac OS X apps:

Ross Bencina has released version 2.2 of AudioMulch (,software for live performance, audio processing, sound design and music composition. The upgrade delivers a refinements targeted at live performance, including increased responsiveness and expanded MIDI control and routing capabilities. Additions include: lower audio latency, support for routing MIDI output to external devices, improved MIDI and network clock synchronization, and MIDI-controlled snapshot switching for AudioMulch’s Metasurface control interface.

VideoUpLink ( for Mac, an application designed to make video on your Facebook page just a drag and drop away, has been upgraded to version 1.5. It adds support for uploading of videos to brand, business and organization Facebook pages.

Cristallight Software announces iBarcoder 3.4.3 ( for Mac OS X, an update to their barcode generator application. The update features added QR Code with Logo support.

Paragon Software Group (PSG), has rolled out NTFS for Mac OS X 10 (, a standalone Mac OS X 10.8-compatible application for dual-boot users designed to eliminate barriers between Windows and Mac operating systems, and ease data manipulation and data transfer. 

Prosoft Engineering ( has given us free updates to Mountain Lion compatible versions for Data Rescue 3 and Drive Genius 3. The former is data recovery software; the latter is software for improving the performance of hard drives.

CSOdessa ( has revved ConceptDraw Office to version 2. The upgrade offers Mountain Lion compatibility. ConceptDraw Office offers integrated mind mapping, project management, and business diagramming applications.

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