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Initiative works to bring iPods, iPads to schools


Kids Are Heroes, a non-profit founded by Maryland middle school student MaryMargaret O’Neill and her father, provides a foundation and a forum for young kids to positively affect an issue or problem that interests them.

Whether it’ saving horses, bringing needed attention to a childhood disease, or aiding the embattled children of Haiti, each young person is encouraged to develop a plan of action to help. In effect, Kids Are Heroes members become mini social entrepreneurs because developing such a plan is akin to running their own small businesses. All proceeds are directed toward the cause, so a monetary profit is not made. However, the kids profit by experiencing the good effects and change that their efforts have, which is something no amount of money can purchase.

Kids Are Heroes has many activities in which kids can directly participate. Their next big event is this Saturday, June 26, 2010, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where Levar Fisher, ex-football player, will be speaking to students about being their best.

Companies have also joined to assist Kids Are Heroes in furthering its endeavors; the Niles Technology Group is one of them. Niles Technology Group is the creator of the Achievers Writing Center mobile apps on the iPhone and iPod touch. To focus on young people, the Mobile Writing Project was developed to specifically assist schools and students in acquiring top-of-the-line mobile technology.

Niles Technology Group has partnered with Kids Are Heroes to help identify and deliver mobile technology to schools and students. The goal is to give schools the tools to help these budding social entrepreneurs be their best academically. NTG is donating 15% of the revenue from all Mobile Writing Center app sales toward the purchase of iPods and iPads. The devices are donated to Kids Are Heroes, which then gives the devices to schools with which they are associated. This program is growing, and, if your school is interested in benefiting from the Mobile Writing Project, contact Michael Niles at the Niles Technology Group (

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