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everstor’s Replicator for Mac OS X Available Now


Runs on Apple platform in multiple O/S network environments. Provides
seamless connect to Linux, Solaris, UNIX, Windows, and Mac systems.

Note to Editors: You can download a Replicator for Mac OS X data sheet at Contacts listed at end of this release.

ORANGE, CA =96 August 8, 2002 =96 Replicator for Mac OS X 10.1 =96 everStor’=
enterprise-level management, replicating and archiving software =96 is
available for installation now. everStor’s first Mac OS X product,
Replicator runs on the Apple OS X platform in multiple O/S network
environments, and provides a seamless connect to Linux, Solaris, UNIX,
Windows, and Mac servers and clients. It offers the same reliability,
ease-of-use, and ability to replicate any client operating system provided
by the previously released Linux and Solaris Replicator versions.
Replicator resides only on the server and requires no client-resident
software. Its $999 price includes an unlimited number of user licenses.

Replicator is a highly scalable, self-managing, data-replication solution
for enterprises. It centralizes the control and management functions for
replicating disks, directories or files =96 from any server or workstation =
over a LAN, WAN or the Internet. It integrates easily into an existing
network, and it can be a critical component of a company’s disaster
recovery program.

Replicator for Mac OS X combines the best features of typical replication
(mirroring) and traditional tape backup (archiving). It is ideal for any
Mac-based environment and works hand-in-hand with Apple’s Xserve. An
intelligent mirroring and archiving solution, Replicator is simple to use,
and accommodates existing hardware and software. Because it is installed
only on the server, it is also fast and easy to set up. Replicator
provides quick and simple file restoration =96 much faster and easier than
tape backup, which can be tedious and time consuming.

“Replicator is the perfect solution for the Mac OS X market, and gives
users an easy and inexpensive way to ensure their data is always
preserved,” said Glenn Salley, CEO of everStor. “The combination of
Replicator and Xserve also provides an astonishingly simple path to
expansion because Replicator allows easy addition of more clients. This
combination provides the most powerful file-replication solution available
for the Mac environment.”


Ten-year old everStor Software Corporation is a leading developer and
publisher of enterprise-class storage-management software for high
data-availability environments. Its products are self-managing
“lights-out” solutions that protect a company’s data — in one location or
throughout an enterprise — and allow easy data recovery.

Designed for Linux, Mac, and Sun Solaris Sparc and X86 platforms, everStor
software covers the spectrum of enterprise storage-management solutions and
can be easily integrated into existing networks. The company’s products
include: Replicator, which centralizes data replication and archiving;
Hiarc HSM, which transparently manages data and migrates it to secondary
media (providing virtually limitless storage capacity); and jb driver,
which is an intelligent robotics driver for controlling tape libraries and
optical jukeboxes.

everStor’s products are used by Fortune 2000 companies, the government and
large institutions — and are sold through VARs and OEMs worldwide.

Company headquarters:
1442 Lincoln Ave., Orange, CA 92865
Phone: 714-970-7511
Fax: 714-970-7161
Web site:

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