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iBuild Lite/Pro/Site preview version 0.9.5

Acrux Software announces iBuild Lite/Pro/Site preview version 0.9.5.

New/changed in this version:

* Easier editing of text: objects underneath the text object being edited
can move down automatically when the text object increases in height
whilst you are typing; useful for bullet lists for example.

* New objects; radio buttons: It’s now possible to put questions using
familiar Mac-style radio buttons.

* New stationery: “Human led presentation” lets you build PowerPoint-like
presentations using text and graphics. The color and pattern of the
background of the each card (slide) can be adjusted in user mode so
that an optimum result can be obtained to match the conditions of the
auditorium or Beamer. Using the new print stack facility, you can easily
create sets of hand outs for your audience to take with them after
the presentation.

* Improved windowing in design mode: the small size stack windows
(previously called “minituarized windows”), have been improved to allow
you to directly edit the name of cards, and enter notes or a description
of the card.

* Stack printing: iBuild could always print the contents of the front
window. But to print out the entire stack, you had to move to each card
and repeatedly print. Now you can print out the entire contents of a
folder (or the whole stack) with one command. You can optionally
print 2 cards per page, and optionally print the notes you attach to
each card. This can be done in both design mode and user mode,
and also via AppleScript.

* Printable documentation: It’s now possible to print out portions of the
online Guide. A button is provided for this purpose at the start of each
folder in the Guide. You can now make your own printed documentation!

* Hiding the cursor: You can now hide the mouse cursor when giving
presentations, or using touchscreens.

* Multi-text neons: Neon objects can now display multiple pieces of text.

* Improved layout and navigation for the online Guide & Library, both of
which have been revised and expanded.

* Various bug fixes

Version 1.0 of iBuild is nearing completion and is expected to be released
within one month.

About iBuild

iBuild is a rich, powerful and easy-to-use multimedia authoring and
creativity tool for the Apple Macintosh. iBuild makes the creativity of
“software design” accessible to the non-programmer.

You can use it to create a vast range of “stacks” and applications:
interactive presentations, photo-albums, movie-albums, slide shows,
e-books, educational courseware, quizzes and tests, talking books, games,
stand-alone applications, kiosk contents.

Just let your imagination and creativity run loose!

More information on this web page:

Prices and availability

iBuild Lite is freeware. But it’s not just a player; you can use it to
create stacks of up to 25 cards using the Lite design level, and no
registration code is required to do this.

Download from (3.4 mb)

iBuild Pro is shareware, normal price $49.95. Whilst iBuild is in “preview”
status, iBuild Pro can be purchased electronically for just $19.95, a saving
of over 60% on the regular price. Purchasers will automatically receive a
new registration code for iBuild Pro when version 1 is released, and free
updates for one year after that.

Contact: Mike Thorpe, Acrux Software

Acrux Software
Amsterdam, Netherlands

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