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Acrux Announces iBuild Lite/Pro/Site/Developer 1.1.1

Acrux Software is pleased to announce iBuild Lite/Pro/Site/Developer
version 1.1.1.

Changes in this version:

* A “table” object has been added. This allows for the display and editing
of scrollable lists of data. Data for table objects can be imported from
FileMaker Pro or other applications or files by using the scripting

* Improved dialog layouts and minor bug fixes.

iBuild is a rich, powerful and easy-to-use multimedia authoring and
presentation tool for the Apple Macintosh. It’s a good alternative to both
HyperCard and PowerPoint for interactive and human-led presentations.
iBuild has a unique set of features for making educational courseware,
computer based training, tests and quizzes, thus complementing Apple’s
renewed vigor in the educational market. But iBuild’s versatility means
that it can also be used for kiosks, interactive electronic magazines,
slide shows and much more.

iBuild stacks can be constructed from a selection of over 40 different
types of “objects”, many of which are interactive or animated. You can
specify object properties by simple dialogs (no programming required), and
a drag ‘n drop Library provides hundreds of ready made examples. iBuild
stacks can be saved as independent stand alone applications.

iBuild’s real power comes from its use of AppleScript as (optional)
scripting language. This places iBuild in the heart of the Macintosh world:
iBuild stacks can share data with and send instructions to other
applications, making it the ideal tool for making customized interfaces to
other scriptable applications, or simply as a GUI for AppleScript itself.

iBuild features:
* an integrated, easy to use and intuitive stack development environment,
* both online and printable (PDF) documentation,
* generation of standalone applications
* many different types of (interactive) objects,
* virtually unlimited stack size
* handy library of ready made objects, examples and prototype stacks,
* good memory management, allowing for stacks of 200Mb or more in size,
* excellent support for QuickTime,
* talking text,
* full screen presentations,
* slide shows,
* hypertext links,
* smooth visual effects,
* sound effects,
* question checking & scoring
* custom report generation
* scripting via AppleScript, allowing communication with other applications

iBuild Lite is freeware. You can use it as a player to run iBuild stacks
which have been created elsewhere, and to create and edit stacks of up to
25 cards using the program’s basic design level, which provides a limited
yet useful set of objects. It can also be used as a demo of iBuild Pro (no
time limits). No registration code is required for iBuild Lite. It’s use is
however restricted to personal, educational, noncommercial use.

iBuild Pro is the standard single user license version of iBuild. It can be
used to create stacks of any length at all design levels. Further, you can
create standalone applications which can be freely distributed for
noncommercial purposes. iBuild Pro costs $29 when ordered electronically.

Build Developer is intended for commercial developers wishing to distribute
standalone applications; it allows for the royalty free distribution of
standalone applications for commercial purposes.

iBuild Site is intended for use in a networked (AppleShare-compatible)

More information on this web page:

Download iBuild Lite/Pro from

iBuild Site & iBuild Developer can be ordered from Acrux Software’s web site:

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