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Output Factory for InDesign can now resolve file aliases automatically

Zevrix Solutions has announced Output Factory 1.5.48, a feature update to its output automation solution for Adobe InDesign.

The tool automates printing, exporting, preflighting and file delivery from InDesign. The software offers batch processing, export as single pages, variable file names, layer versioning, PDF preflight and more. The new version can resolve InDesign file aliases internally, which lets users add symbolic links instead of the original files directly to the app’s queue.

Output Factory can be purchased from the Zevrix website ( for $169.95. There’s a “lite” version for $120, and a server version for $700. A demo is available for download. BatchOutput users can upgrade to Output Factory for $85. Output Factory requires Mac OS X 10.7-10.11 and Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2015.

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