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Emulsion is new photo library app for Mac OS X


The Escapers have introduced Emulsion (, a new photo library app for Mac OS X. It’s designed to help you manage your photos, apply filters, fix dust spots, adjust metadata and so much more.

You can apply filters, make subtle adjustments, and create multiple versions of your images. Filters can be applied to several images at once. Geotagging is also supported, so you can see all your images on a Map, and even apply GPS information to images that don’t already have it.

You can clone out dust spots, and even apply the film type to image collections. Scans can easily be straighten and flipped. RAW images (including DNG) are supported along with JPEG and TIFF.

Emulsion requires Mac OS X Yosemite, and Retina displays are fully supported. It costs US$49.99 (for a limited time). A 30-day demo is available for download.

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