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Wireless antenna upgrade offered for Apple Base Stations, Time Capsules

QuickerTek Antenna.jpg

QuickerTek is offering wireless antenna upgrades for Apple’s Airport Base Stations and Time Capsules. It provides dual-band 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz WiFi and purportedly triples the range of any version of the Base Station Extreme and/or Time Capsule.

Three different upgrades are available: Airport Base Station Extreme AC, 2TB Time Capsule and the 3TB Time Capsule from $399.95 to $599.95.
Customers can also send in their own unit to be modified at a price of $199. Go to for more info.

This Base Station Extreme AC Antenna Upgrade works with Mac OS X 10.7 and later, as does the Airport Extreme. The QuickerTek antennas can be mounted to all three versions of the Airport Extreme as well as the 2TB and 3TB Time Capsule versions.

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