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Smith Micro launches MotionArtistTV interactive platform

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Smith Micro Software has launched its social multimedia platform MotionArtistTV, targeted for artists, animators and graphic art enthusiasts. It combines the open, interactive canvas of HTML5 with content sharing through a social portal.

MotionArtistTV allows users to view interactive, animated content, connect with fellow artists and users, and share their HTML5 graphics, animations, and multimedia comics created with the software, says Steve Yatson, vice president of operations for Smith Micro, Productivity and Graphics Group. Free and open to the public, MotionArtistTV allows budding artists to join an open-submission community for animated HTML5 graphics.

Once community members create a login ID, they receive a personalized profile for posting their own content and following favorite artists. All members can view, like and comment on other members’ work, as well as create watch-lists of their favorite episodes and series.
MotionArtistTV is a free web portal, immediately available to the public. Users can register for membership at MotionArtistTV. MotionArtist is available for US$49.99. Go to for more info.

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