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Tiffen ships new light kit, filters

The Tiffen Company (www.tiffen.coom) is now shipping the US$2,050 Lowel Blender 3 Light Kit and the IRND + Glimmer Glass motion picture/TV filters.

The Lowel Blender 3 Light Kit combines three color-changing Lowel Blender LED fixtures, with stands and AC adaptors. The classic three-light interview setup now gains the ability for each light to output tungsten color, or daylight, or any blend of the two. You can choose to match a location’s ambient light color, or change each Blender’s color to create a visual contrast, increasing contrast and a sense of depth in the image.

The IRND + GIimmer Glass single-filter diffusion and IR solution is an integrated filter product line offers a combination of the Tiffen IRND technology with the beauty-enhancing Tiffen Glimmer Glass filter. It gives shooters a single-filter diffusion and IR protection solution. Contact Tiffen for pricing options.

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