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Zygoat announces post-production tool for Mac OS X

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Zygoat Creative Technical Services has introduced First Assistant for Mac OS X, a new data management tool for film and video professionals.

Designed to aid editors and assistant editors in the post-production workflow, First Assistant is designed to make it easy to manage timecode-based editorial notes for creating asset lists and cue sheets, convert whole documents between timecode formats with one click, track scene timings, perform versatile sorting, filtering, summarizing and more. In addition, First Assistant provides a stand-alone timecode calculator and conversion tool that’s always at the ready.

First Assistant is available for US$49, and a free trial version can be downloaded at Zygoat online ( It’s also available in the Mac App Store. First Assistant requires Mac OS X 10.6.8 or newer; 10.7 or 10.8 are recommended.

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