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Kaspersky Labs: Apple wants our help on OS X security — or not (updated)


Speaking exclusively to “Computing” (, Kaspersky Chief Technical Officer Nikolai Grebennikov said his firm had recently begun the process of analyzing the Mac OS platform at Apple’s request. However, that’s apparently not the case.

“Mac OS is really vulnerable, and Apple recently invited us to improve its security,” he said. “We’ve begun an analysis of its vulnerabilities, and the malware targeting it.”

Grebennikov told “Computing” that, in his personal view, Apple does not take security seriously enough.

“Our first investigations show Apple doesn’t pay enough attention to security,” he said. “For example, Oracle closed a vulnerability in Java, which was a target for a major botnet several months ago.”

However, “The Mac Observer” ( reported Monday afternoon that Kaspersky issued a statement saying that comments claiming that Apple had asked the firm for security help were taken out of context. “It would appear, however, that Kaspersky overstated the situation, and that Nikolay Grebennikov, the company’s Chief Technology Officer, misspoke, and that the clarification is really a correction,” the article says.

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