Note to guys: it’s Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget your sweetie.
Note to assorted guys and gals: if your main squeeze is a piece of technology, please re-evaluate your life.
Apparently, some of us have waaaaaay too much affection for gadgets such as the iPhone and iPad. Asurion (, which specializes in technology protection services, says its national survey results show that nearly 30% of survey participants believe their cell phone is more helpful to them than their significant other.
Reasons frequently given by the 3,000 survey respondents include that the cell phone is more entertaining than their significant other, they appreciate that the cell phone has an off button and that the device never talks back.
“While the content of the communications might vary wildly among users, there’s no doubt mobile devices are now the primary way people stay in touch with their significant other,” says Bettie Colombo, spokesperson for Asurion. “In fact, our survey found people under the age of 34 average 20 texts or calls a day to their significant other, while those age 50 and over text or call an average of nine times a day.”
Other survey results included nearly 20% of respondents saying they wouldn’t end a date even if the person they were with spent the entire night on the phone. However, women of all ages — as well as men and women ages 50 and over — said they would end a date early if the other person spent the event texting.
And that’s not all. With nearly one-third of all Americans now owning a tablet or e-reader, Valentine’s Day romantics should take note. A new Tablet Trends Study just released by Rosetta (, a consulting-centered interactive agency, reveals that the majority of tablet users (68%) will likely spend significant time with their touch-screen devices in the bedroom.
At the potential expense of their significant others, consumers are enjoying their own private “honeymoon” with their tablets for the first few months as they get to know their new devices in some untraditional rooms in the home, including 24% who take their tablets to the bathroom.
Hmmm. Apparently, we need more real romance (with people) in our lives. When the time comes that Siri answers “I do” to a marriage proposal, things will have gotten seriously out of hand.