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New OS X Lion Server tutorial available

Professional training developer InfiniteSkills Inc has released a full tutorial series on the newest version of Apple’s server operating system, Lion Server. It’s priced at US$99.95. More information and free tutorial samples can be found on the Lion Server training page (

The tutorial includes 121 lessons on everything from network and directory service configuration to file sharing, mail servers and Xgrid computing. These Lion server training videos show how to perform advanced tasks using a combination of graphical utilities and terminal commands, according to Colin Boyd, sales director for InfiniteSkills.

Narrated by Apple-certified instructor Chris Tarnowieckyi, the 10.7 Server training series begins with a guide to installation and initial configuration tasks. The lessons show how to set up an administration computer, integrate relevant hardware and begin using the workgroup manager. The training then moves through network service configuration, including DNS, DHCP and network time settings. After also introducing directory services, instructor Tarnowieckyi goes into profile and managed client options, with tips for administering multiple user accounts in a professional environment.

The second half of the Lion Server training moves into some of the hosting capabilities Apple has included in the OS. The tutorials cover configuring an email server, hosting and securing websites, creating editable wikis and hosting address books, calendars and chat servers that can be utilized by multiple users at once. The final chapters look at Xgrid distributed computing, the NetBoot imaging service, and ASK Gateway VPN and firewall services for advanced needs.

Tarnowieckyi is an Apple Certified Trainer who runs his own consulting and technical training center for professionals. He holds four Apple certifications, which also include System Administrator and Technical Coordinator credentials, and he specializes in helping regular users learn advanced skills that are applicable in commercial environments.

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