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Kendo UI delivers tools for HTML5 developers


Telerik has launched the Kendo UI framework. Targeted at professional software developers, Kendo UI delivers tools for front-end development with JavaScript and HTML5.

“Building applications and sites today with HTML5 and JavaScript is an exercise in self-assembling an array of libraries and toolsets to compose a platform that has all of the necessary components for development,” says Todd Anglin, EVP, Kendo UI. “This approach is acceptable for hobby projects, but it is fraught with support and licensing risks, it is difficult to maintain and upgrade, it is difficult to learn, and it wastes valuable development time. Kendo UI solves this problem by providing a unified framework with all of the necessary components for building HTML5 and JavaScript apps and sites.”

Kendo UI launches with three distinct packages:

° Kendo UI Web — More than a dozen HTML5 JavaScript UI widgets, including a Grid, plus framework components like a Data Source, touch-enabled drag and drop, and a JavaScript templating engine.

° Kendo UI DataViz — A dedicated suite of HTML5-powered data visualization widgets, including animated charts.

° Kendo UI Mobile CTP — An early preview of Kendo UI widgets built specifically for solving the problems of building mobile apps with HTML5.

Go to the Kendo UI web site ( for pricing options.

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