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MacTech Conference 2011: Special post-event presentation added


MacTech Conference for Apple Developers and IT Pros, Nov, 2-4, 2011 in Los Angeles, has announced both its evening activities as well as a special post-event presentation by Code 42 Software about evaluating and deploying Enterprise backup, and giving the first public look to their next major release.  

Keynote speaker Guy Kawasaki will open MacTech Conference 2011: a three-day, information-packed event that will have sessions and newly announced activities throughout the day and evening. This immersion conference is hotel-based, giving attendees the opportunity to not only learn from the best, but get to meet new people and spend time with their peers — as well as see information and products they cannot see elsewhere. Information about the conference is at (

Right after the close of the conference, codefortytwo software (a Platinum sponsor for MacTech Conference 2011) will be making a special presentation on-site. All conference attendees are invited to attend (RSVP required). In this special two-hour event, Code 42 Software and IT thought leaders from two of the world’s leading technology companies will discuss the challenges of protecting data in an ever more mobile and platform diverse world. (We can’t publicize the names of the companies, but trust us, you know them.)

“We are thrilled to have Code 42 not only as one of our Platinum sponsors (joining eSellerate for our developer track), but that they will be able to show attendees how to evaluate and deploy Enterprise level backups, and discuss it with both the Code 42 team and IT ‘thought leaders’ from two well known companies,” says Neil Ticktin, Editor-in-Chief/Publisher, MacTech Magazine.  “Furthermore, for our attendees to get the first public preview of their next major version makes it well worth it.”

“The MacTech Conference offers a unique opportunity to interact with some of the ‘big brains’ of the tech world. Code 42 Software is proud to be one of the sponsors of this great event,” says Mike Evangelist, codefortytwo software. “If you’re involved with Macs, from either the IT or engineering side of things, you don’t want to miss it.”

MacTech Conference has announced its evening activities. On the first evening of the event, we’ll go behind-the-scenes on the legendary Studio Tour to explore Hollywood’s most famous backlot in the world’s largest working movie studio. The iconic Universal Tram will pick up conference attendees at the hotel to begin this private adventure.  After the tour, Paul Cuoco, Universal’s Technical Manager responsible for show theatrical systems and media integration will be on hand to talk to attendees about some of the behind the scenes technology that creates the magic of King Kong 3D.  On the second evening, we’ll take a walk from the hotel down Universal’s CityWalk to Jillian’s.  Information about the activities is at (

MacTech Conference has two separate tracks: one focused on programming/development, and one focused on IT/Enterprise. Sessions will focus on both desktop and mobile with appropriate levels of attention paid to the Mac, iPhone, iPad and iPod. Check out the speaker and topic list ( for specific sessions and speaker list.

The conference will kick off with a keynote by Guy Kawasaki at 10 am on Wednesday, Nov. 2. Wednesday through Friday, Nov. 2-4, are packed with sessions using MacTech’s well established running order format. The evenings are filled with special activities and events designed specifically to give attendees an opportunity to form bonds with their peers and meet new people.

MacTech Conference is priced economically including all meals, a MacTech Magazine subscription, a schedule packed full of sessions, exclusive entertainment, and more.  Registration is far ahead of last year.  Advance registration ends on Oct.14, and with a price of US$899, attendees can save $100 off the pre-registration price and $400 off the on-site registration price.  Register at (

The Sheraton is a quality venue with rooms that typically run $229 or more per night, plus tax, and with Internet access available for an additional fee. Available on a first-come, first-served basis, MacTech Conference attendees get a special rate of just $179 per night, which includes Internet access. The hotel has just added rooms after the initial block sold out.

Established in 1984, MacTech Magazine is the only monthly magazine focused on Apple at the technical level. Each month, MacTech and is read by 150,000 technical Macintosh users in over 175 countries … from network administrators to programmers, from solution providers to Enterprise, and, in general, anyone that’s interested in the Macintosh beyond the user level.

If you’re interested in getting under the hood of your Mac, if you want to know how to make things happen inside the box, you should be reading MacTech Magazine. Contact the magazine. Toll free: 877-MACTECH, International: 805-494-9797,, (

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