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MacTech releases Office for Mac 2011 benchmark results


“MacTech” has released the results of its extensive benchmark study of Microsoft Office for Mac 2011. The goal was to see how well the new Office applications performed compared to Office 2008 and 2004 across a variety of configurations.  

The large suite of about 1000 tests was performed comparing the MacBook, MacBook Pro, and iMac. The purpose of the testing and the article are to answer the questions “How well does Office for Mac 2011 run compared to Office 2008 and 2004?”

“MacTech Labs has been doing product evaluations and testing for over 25 years. Our focus is to help those in the industry not only in making tough decisions, but with real-world answers. In this case, we wanted to help people understand how the new Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 performs,” says Neil Ticktin, editor-in-chief/publisher, “MacTech Magazine.” “These tests clearly accomplished their goal and will aid decision makers in understanding what to expect out of Office 2011 compared to Office 2008 and 2004.”

The full analysis and results will be published in the print version of “MacTech Magazine,” as well as online. The online version is at .

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