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Softpress offers discounted Pixelmator as a companion product

Following the release of Freeway 5.5, the upgrade to its family of web design tools, Softpress ( has announced a special deal on a companion application, Pixelmator.

“Freeway 5.5 has been a great success, with rave reviews and lots of excitement from our users,” Softpress Managing Director Richard Logan says. “As a ‘thank you’ for our supporters, we have arranged to add Pixelmator 1.6.2 to our list of deeply discounted companion products. Alongside Intaglio and Easy Web Animator, Pixelmator will make it a real joy to create modern leading-edge websites, reliable email newsletters and stunning presentations within Freeway. Both professional and novice users will benefit from the innovative and powerful features of these applications for the creation of stylish, dynamic and standards-compliant output. Thanks to all and Enjoy!”

Award-winning Pixelmator from the Pixelmator Team will be offered exclusively to registered Freeway owners at US$39, nearly 35% off its normal retail price of $59). Intaglio from Purgatory Design can be bought at the Softpress Store by Freeway owners for $49 (normally $89) and Easy Web Animator from CyberFront for $29 (normally $49). Freeway 5.5 Pro is $229 and Freeway 5.5 Express is $69. Discounts are available for education, non-profit and seniors from the Softpress Store.

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