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‘MUG Event Calendar’: Office 2011, Panorama, more


October is shaping up to be a very active month on “The MUG Event Calendar.”

Two MacNotables will be visiting groups in their home stats this week. Adam Engst of “TidBITS “and Take Control will visit a New York group, and “Macworld” Senior Editor Christopher Breen will present to a California group. Apple Senior Systems Engineer Dave Marra will be the guest at a New Jersey group, and Jennifer Bell of Prosoft Engineering will visit two different groups Illinois groups.

Kurt Schmucker of Microsoft will show off the new Office 2011 in Alaska, Omni Software will visit a Chicago group, and Jim Rea of ProVue Software will present Panorama to a California group. Other topics in the mix this week include the just-released Apple TV, iPhoto, Snow Leopard Server, backing up, the iPad, Blurb BookSmart and more.

“The MUG Event Calendar” can be found at The MUG Center (, an online resource for Mac User Groups. MUGs are good places for making new friends in the Mac community, imProving your computing skills, finding solutions to technical Problems, and perhaps locating a good deal on used hardware. For more info on MUGs, and to find the location of the one nearest you, go to Apple’s MUG page (

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