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Let’s see support for third party themes, special effects, transitions

It’s not been mentioned by Apple, but I think we’ll see iLife 2010 — the next version of the suite that includes iMovie, iDVD, iPhoto, iWeb and GarageBand — before summer arrives. And I hope to see a major change to iMovie.

I was a BIG fan of iMovie HD. I hated iMovie ’08. iMovie ’09 was a major improvement over its immediate predecessor. However, I still wish Apple would restore something missing since iLife ’06/HD and allow third parties to release themes, special effects and transitions for the video editing app.

Years ago that was possible. Companies such as GeeThree made some great extras for iMovie, and they’re sorely missed.

Apple allows third party add-ons for iDVD and iWeb, as well as Pages and Keynote in the iWork suite. Why not iMovie?

I realize that Apple wants folks who wish to do anything beyond iMovie’s rudimentary capabilities to move up to Final Cut Express. However, FC Express has so many more features than iMovie that I don’t think third party themes, special effects and transitions would be a deal-breaker to anyone considering the move.

— Dennis Sellers

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