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TextExpander update supports rich text in Gmail

SmileOnMyMac ( has updated TextExpander,
a Mac OS X utility that lets users define abbreviations for
frequently-used text strings and images, to version 2.8. The upgrade
adds support for rich text and image expansion in web-based tools
such as Gmail.

The update also adds support for making selections using %\ in a
snippet in conjunction with %| cursor positioning. With TextExpander,
users can define abbreviations for frequently-used text strings and
images, also known as snippets. When an abbreviation is typed, it
expands automatically to the full snippet.

The regular cost is US$29.95 for a single user license or $44.95 for
a five-pack family license. A 30-day fully-functioning demo of
TextExpander can be downloaded at the SmileOnMyMac web site.
TextExpander 2.8 is a free update for registered users of
TextExpander 1.x and 2.x.

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