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Mark/Space releases Missing Sync 2.0 for iPhone for Mac

Mark/Space has released The Missing Sync for iPhone Version 2.0 for
Mac (, featuring true, two-way
syncing of notes, tasks and documents between the Mac and iPhone or
iPod touch via Wi-Fi.

With it you can edit notes on the Mac and those changes will be
synced to the iPhone. Complete tasks on the iPhone and they will be
updated on the Mac. Create and revise documents and files on the Mac,
and they’ll sync to the iPhone. The Missing Sync recognizes changes
and syncs them in both places.

The Missing Sync for iPhone 2.0 works with the 2.0 versions of the
iPhone apps, Fliq Notes, Fliq Docs and Fliq Tasks, all from Mark/Space

You can also keep notes in sync between Fliq Notes on the iPhone and
Bare Bones Yojimbo and Microsoft Entourage. Plus, you can sync notes
to Mark/Space Notebook, a Mac application for creating, editing and
organizing notes and memos, included with The Missing Sync.

The Missing Sync for iPhone 2.0 is available as an electronic
download from the Mark/Space Online Store for US$39.95. Version 2.0
is available as a free upgrade for current owners of The Missing Sync
for iPhone 1.0. Additionally, owners of any Mark/Space product can
crossgrade to The Missing Sync for iPhone 2.0 for $29.95.

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