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SQLite Diff 1.18 – New Product Compares SQLite Databases

Fremont, CA – 10-10-2008 – .com Solutions Inc. Introduces SQLite Diff 1.18
As New Product To Compare SQLite Database Schema & Data Displaying
Colorized SQL and Data Highlighting.

SQLite Diff is implemented as a graphical application enabling developers
to easily Drag & Drop two SQLite databases onto the application to start
the comparison process. SQLite Diff uses a high performance in-memory store
of both SQLite schemas to perform most comparisons within in a few seconds.
The data comparison feature optionally compares each record within the
dropped files using the ROWID as the primary key.

SQLite Diff displays schema changes with colorized SQL code and modified
records as highlighted text. SQLite Diff is optimized for analyzing
undocumented or poorly documented SQLite schemas generated by any
application. SQLite Diff is the first (and currently only) application for
comparing SQLite databases on Mac OS X.

SQLite may quite possibly be the most widely deployed database engine in
use today, with an estimated 300 million users worldwide. SQLite is used as
an embedded database within popular products including: Photoshop
Lightroom, Adobe AIR, Skype, FireFox, Apple Mail, Safari, Aperture, Solaris
10, Revolution, REALbasic and Bento by FileMaker. Also, many cell phone
manufacturers build SQLite into their products as well.

SQLite Diff Features Include:

* Quickly compares SQLite schema: Tables/Columns, Triggers, Views, Indexes.
* Record by record data comparison between each file.
* Colorized SQL and Data highlighting makes it easy to see changed SQL and
* Optimized for analyzing undocumented or poorly documented SQLite schemas.
* Fast in-memory schema comparison – runs fast even on older computers.
* Cross-platform compatibility with Mac OS X and Windows.
* Instantly drill-down to see comparison details for SQL and data.
* Easy to use Drag & Drop interface.
* Economical single-user license includes Mac OS X and Windows software.

SQLite Diff is priced at ($25) per developer and includes a copy of SQLite
Diff for both Mac OS X (Universal Binary) and Windows platforms.

A functional demo version of SQLite Diff may be downloaded from

For more info please see: (

About .com Solutions Inc.
.com Solutions Inc. develops multi-platform graphical applications
supporting FileMaker, Bento, SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, Access, SQL Server,
Sybase, DB2, OpenBase, PostgreSQL, FrontBase and Revolution developers.
FmPro Script Diff, compares and edits FileMaker ScriptMaker scripts, FmPro
Layout Diff, compares FileMaker Layouts. FmPro Migrator
( converts FileMaker databases to and from
FileMaker, SQLite Diff ( compares SQLite database
schema and data.

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