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v9 of Oxygen XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT/XQuery Debugger

Syncro Soft Announces New Major Release of Oxygen XML Editor, Schema Editor
and XSLT/XQuery Debugger.

Release date: November 2, 2007

Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Oxygen XML Editor, has announced the
immediate availability of version 9.0 of its XML Editor, Schema Editor and
XSLT/XQuery Debugger.

The main feature of version 9.0 is a CSS-based visual XML editor allowing
WYSIWYG like editing of XML documents. With an innovative approach to XML
authoring Oxygen allows you to work with XML frameworks (DocBook, DITA,
TEI, XHTML, etc) easier than ever before. Version 9 adds a new concept
called Document Type that allow users to provide ready to use support for a
framework or an XML language and share that with other users. This version
also brings improved error reporting for validation against Relax NG
schemas and Schematron, additional side view helpers, some component
updates and a number of other features.

For the complete list of new features please visit

New in version 9.0:

The WYSIWYG like rendering of the visual XML editor is driven by CSS
stylesheets conforming with the W3C CSS 2.1 specification so that users are
not locked into a custom format. Some enhancements introduced by the W3C
CSS 3 working draft like CSS XML namespaces and the attr function are also
supported. The tagless editor comes with ready to use support for largely
used XML frameworks: DITA, DocBook 4 / DocBook 5, TEI P4 / TEI P5 and
XHTML. Both the CALS and HTML table models are supported.

The new Document Type concept allows to easily share between users
preconfigured support for an XML framework or language consisting of
default schema for validation, CSS stylesheets for WYSIWYG editing, custom
actions, document templates, XML catalogs and transformation scenarios.

Incomplete error reports in validation against a Relax NG schemas like
“required attributes missing”, “required elements missing” or “unfinished
element” were updated to report exactly what XML attributes or elements are
missing and what is expected to finish the element. The diagnostics
messages issued by a Schematron schema are displayed together with the
other validation errors. Schematron report messages are treated as warnings.

The new outliner implementations for CSS and XQuery allow you to see
immediately the structure of your CSS and XQuery documents. Two new views,
the XML Elements View and the Entities View allow to easily insert new
elements and entities in your XML files.

There were many small but useful new features in Oxygen XML editor version
9, to take an example the spell checking is aware of xml:lang values and
this allows to check the spelling in documents that contain content in more
than one language.

Pricing and Availability
Oxygen XML Editor and XSLT Debugger is available immediately in three editions:
Multi-platform Academic/Non-profit license costs USD 48.00
Multi-platform Professional license costs USD 225.00
Multi-platform Enterprise license costs USD 275.00
To purchase please visit the Oxygen XML Editor store at
Oxygen 9.0 can be freely evaluated for 30 days from

About Syncro Soft Ltd

Syncro Soft is a privately held software company founded in 1998 with a
large area of expertise in XML technologies: XML Schema, Relax NG,
Schematron, XSLT, XPath and XQuery. The main product oXygen XML Editor
provides the best coverage of the today XML technologies; it complies with
the established standards released by W3C and other organisations and
enhances developer productivity through an intuitive and innovative XML
IDE. Syncro Soft is a member of the W3C. Another product developed by
Syncro Soft is Syncro SVN Client:

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