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SubRosaSoft announces MacLockPick live forensics tool today announced the availability of MacLockPick, a new live forensics tool for extracting passwords, Internet history, and system settings from a suspect’s Mac OS X computer. MacLockPick is a tool for law enforcement professionals to perform live forensics on Mac OS X systems. The solution is based on a USB Flash drive that can be inserted into a suspect’s Mac OS X computer that is running (or sleeping). Once the MacLockPick software is run it will extract data from the Apple Keychain and system settings to provide the examiner fast access to the suspect’s critical information with as little interaction or trace as possible. A database of the suspect’s information is compiled on the Flash Drive to allow for easy transportation away from the suspect’s system. This database can be read by the included log readers on Microsoft Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X computers back at base.

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