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Opal 1.0.3

Seattle, 5 December 2006 – A Sharp is pleased to announce that a new
version of its Opal outliner is now available! Opal lets you organize
lists, track projects, take notes, and store information in
easy-to-modify outline form.

The changes in version 1.0.3 are almost all based on user feedback.
New preferences simplify the user interface (and make it more like
Acta), and there’s now character count as well as word count. Complex
pages pasted from Safari behave better, and export of multi-paragraph
topics is improved. Opal’s support for OPML (used to exchange data
with other outliners) is also enhanced. A few commands are faster,
minor bugs and memory leaks fixed, and outlines are slightly smaller
on disk.

As a Universal application, Opal runs on any Macintosh with Mac OS X
10.4 or later.

Users can download a trial version from A Sharp’s web site
( Opal sells for $32, or 3980 Japanese Yen.

The update is free, and can be downloaded from A Sharp’s web site or
the Stands web site, or by Opal’s built-in update mechanism.

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