FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Announces the 4th Generation of FileSalvage
Data recovery software for Mac OS X now includes a free trial, file
preview, and an extended list of file formats.
http://DataRecoveryMac LLC. announces the immediate availability of the latest
version of FileSalvage. The latest generation of the Mac OS X software
incorporates a faster and more accurate data scan and recovery engine, more
file format support, and a free trial version with a much requested preview
SubRosaSoft FileSalvage is an extremely powerful Mac OS X application for
data recovery. The flagship of SubRosaSoft’s Salvage range of software,
FileSalvage is device and filesystem independent. It will retrieve files
that have been deleted, rescue data from corrupted media, and recover lost
files from your hard drive or storage device (most media devices are
supported such as: Mac OS hard drives, USB keys, PC drives, Linux disks,
FLASH cards, CDs, DVDs, and almost any other media that your Mac can
“The latest generation of FileSalvage incorporates a new data recovery
engine with improved file format support.” Said Ben Slaney, senior engineer
for the SubRosaSoft Salvage range of products. “The speed of data recovery
has been greatly enhanced and it is even more accurate in locating deleted
files. The latest generation of FileSalvage can undelete or recover more
key file formats, ranging from the most common ones such as JPEG, MP3,
Safari bookmarks, to proprietary formats such as Quark Xpress, QuickBook,
Photoshop, and the leading RAW camera file formats.”
“The latest FileSalvage sports an improved user interface.” Explained Marko
Kostyrko, CEO of “FileSalvage now scans the disk faster to
locate the files you deleted, then you can preview the files you need for
rescuing. For example, if you are only interested in recovering a few of
your deleted JPEG files, you can reduce the amount of time and disk space
required for the rescue operation by simply selecting only the specific
files you want to recover.”
Even with such features and the performance, FileSalvage is extremely
straightforward to use. FileSalvage’s easy-to-use interface is designed for
all OS X users. The whole recovery operation can be completed with a few
* Risk free trial version – see what data can be recovered before you
* File Preview – see what you are going to get before you recover your
deleted file.
* Easy-to-use interface – reduces data recovery process to a few clicks.
* Device and file system independent – allows recovery from almost any
* Free space eraser – permanently erases the free space on your volume
in a secure fashion.
* Disk shredder – sanitizes drive securely.
* Works on faulty hardware – recovers data from mechanically unsounded
disks or corrupted devices.
System Requirements and Pricing
SubRosaSoft FileSalvage requires Mac OS X 10.2.8 or above
FileSalvage includes all of the file formats supported by the Salvage
For more information on FileSalvage, please visit
Replaces FileSalvage version 2.0 and 3.0 – complimentary upgrade
MSRP $89.95 for MSRP plus shipping for the CD version or $79.95 for
download only
FileSalvage can undelete and recover files in the following formats:
Safari Bookmarks, MacroMedia Freehand, MacroMedia Flash, QuickBooks,
Automator Workflow, JMP statistics software, Apple Logic Pro, Microsoft
PowerPoint Presentations, Final Cut Pro, iMovie projects, Canon raw camera
format, Fuji raw camera format, Nikon raw camera format, Kodak raw camera
format, Olympus raw camera format, Digital Video (dv) & iMovie Movies, JPEG
images, Adobe PDF, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, QuickTime Image, PNG
(Portable Network Graphics), GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), Targa
image, BMP image, GIMP (Graphics), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Quark
Express, mbox (standard OS X e-mail mailbox file), AppleWorks Document,
FileMaker 5,7 Database, Adobe LiveMotion, AVI (Audio Video Interleaved),
RealMedia, WMV & ASF movies, M4A (iTunes music), M4P (iTunes encrypted
music), MP3, MIDI sound, AIFF sound, WAV sound, Stuffit SIT, Stuffit SITX,
gzip archive, RAR archive, binhex archive, bz2 compressed tar, RealBasic,
AppleScript, HTML, RTF (Rich Text Format) text, C Source code, QuickTime
Movie, QuickBooks, TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), Mathematica, Ogg
Vorbis, Cinema4DXL
About LLC.
SubRosaSoft’s design philosophy revolves around easy-to-use yet extremely
powerful Mac OS X software.
For more information, contact LLC. by e-mail at or