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pdf-DocPro: New tool for PDF compression and presentation

Neuss, 04/25/2005

New tool for PDF compression and presentation properties

Most PDF files are displayed without any presentation skills in Adobe
Reader. But there are much more options to use PDF for presentations or an
easier and faster data exchange. You can handle PDF almost like a
Powerpoint presentation, if you set these properties to a file. And you can
do this very easily. pdf-DocPro will provide you with many additional
features for a sophisticated PDF handling and compression now.

pdf-DocPro by UNIVERSE Software provides users with several additional
features for PDF document handling. The new software solution allows to set
all PDF document properties for users with some few clicks. Define
settings, security permissions, encryption levels and printing options.
Even PDF presentations like in Powerpoint are possible. Preset Acrobat
Reader appearance: Hide menu bars, tool bars, window controls, open your
file in full screen mode presenting only one side, or two etc. Define new
security and encryption settings (change or copy of the document
enabled/disabled), require a password to open the document. Set new
document titles, author information, topics and document key words for
search engines or DMS systems and so on.

In addition to that pdf-DocPro contains a new compression feature that
reduces any PDF file up to 50 %.

Conclusion: pdf-DocPro is an ideal completion tool for all PDF users.

pdf-DocPro is pure JAVA based, running on OS Win9x,ME,2000,NT, XP and Mac
OS X. Linux on request.

You will find a free demo at www.pdf-office. Price of the solution: $ 25
including upgrade and hotline services.

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