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Radical Breeze releases Footlights 1.0 for Mac OS X

Radical Breeze today released Footlights 1.0, a new video playing application for Mac OS X. “With Footlights, Mac users can organize their movie files into Playlists and play them in a number of ways (including full screen and compact views) with a variety of options (looping, shuffle, speed, etc),” said Bryan Lund, President of Radical Breeze. “And Footlights can export those media files to any number of QuickTime supported formats and codecs (including MPEG4 and AVI).” Footlights can be purchased standalone for US$15 ($10 through Friday, September 24th), or as part of the RadicalBreeze “8 Pack” (containing DiscBlaze, Illumination, Macabinet, DoThisNow, RadicalPhoto, RadicalSqueeze & Zephyr) for $35.

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