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East Coast Macworld Expo in jeopardy

As previously reported, Macworld Expo may not make its planned return to Boston next year. In fact, an East Coast show might not be held at all, according to the Boston Globe. “The early signals we’re getting are not good as far as the show coming to Boston, and as far as the future of the East Coast show in general,” said Jim Rooney, executive director of the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority. David Korse, the new head of IDG World Expo (organizers of the show), said that the show will no longer bear the name “Macworld.” If his company does decide to hold an event on the East Coast next year, it will be known as simply “CreativePro.” “It’s now a very different event than the one that existed when the decision to move it to Boston was made last year,” Korse said. “Macworld is only going to happen once a year, in January, in California.”

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