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Apple launches ‘Easy On Your Budget’ promo

The online Apple Store has kicked off a new promotion, dubbed “Easy On Your Budget,” which allows you “to get the Mac you’ve always wanted” for as little as US$19 per month with no payments until 2004. The Apple Store also has a bevy of new product arrivals, including the Hewlett Packard DeskJet 5650 color inkjet printer, RemotePoint Navigator presentation remote, XtremeMac XtroVERT Xserve RAID enclosure, and SportSuit Convertible iPod case. In addition, ProMAX has great deals on Boris Continuum Complete 2.0, Boris RED 2.5 Upgrade and Boris Graffitti 2D/3D 2.1; Adobe DV Bundle for Mac; BSP Final Cut Pro Custom Keyboard; and Discreet Cleaner 6 and Combustion w/Cleaner 6 Bundle.

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