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Lingo Publishes 4th Ed. of Translation and Localization Guidebook

Lingo Systems Publishes Fourth Edition of Translation and Localization
Guidebook in Partnership with American Translators Association

Portland, OR – Lingo Systems, a translation and localization company
located in Portland, Oregon, and the ATA, the American Translators
Association, have published the fourth edition of The Guide to Translation
and Localization: Preparing Products for the Global Marketplace. The
104-page guide covers all the steps necessary for mastering the
localization process. Readers will find the technical strategies needed to
successfully prepare their documentation, software, training and marketing
materials, and Web sites for the global marketplace. Lingo Systems
specializes in the translation and localization of Mac hardware and

“This book is intended to be both educational and fun,” says John Watkins,
Lingo Systems Vice President of Operations and the books editor. “The
previous three issues have all been award winners and very popular with our
clients, the public, and students alike. Indeed, it is Lingo Systems
dedication to educating people about the translation and localization
process that continues to fuel our desire to keep publishing the
guidebook,” says Watkins.

The Guide to Translation and Localization: Preparing Products for the
Global Marketplace (ISBN 0-9703948) is available free of charge from Lingo
Systems. Please contact or call 1-800-878-8523 for your
free copy or visit our Web site at

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