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Optigold ISP 2.8.9

Optigold ISP 2.8.9 for Windows, Macintosh, Mac OS X and Linux was released
on 12/21/2001.

Optigold ISP is a cross-platform business software package to run all
aspects of an internet service provider (from billing to server management).

A *FREE*, 100% working copy can be downloaded from:

2.8.9 adds more company email manager/trouble ticking system refinements
and functions, new event triggers and protocols additions, new ISP
management web interface functions, LaserSubstrate invoice additions,
PostgreSQL fix, and a few other miscellaneous items.

All new features in this version are listed in the revision log:

Optigold ISP Revision Log

Completed On 12/20/01

Tech support log assigned to an employee for a canceled customer links to
customer correctly
Server event exceptions for account type(s) can be set on a per event basis
Rumpus FTP support added to new style server events
EIMS support added to new style server events
SIMS support added to new style server events
LetterRIP support added to new style server events
QuickDNS Pro support added to new style server events
New server events preference – Macintosh Telnet Application
System can notify designated email address if event is triggered with no
event defined
Email manager can initiate a thread by sending outbound message
Prepaid card payments can be taken via ISP management web interface
One-time credit card transactions can be run via ISP management web
One-time bank debit transactions can be run via ISP management web interface
Customer ID can be passed to server events as a variable

Completed On 12/19/01

Termination date added to list of customers due to be canceled
Fixed problem with variables not being passed to FTP server action for new
style events
Secondary time can be imported with the usage SQL hooks
Old call activity notes cannot be edited

Completed On 12/18/01

Outgoing emails in email manager can be spell checked
Email manager email type can be edited
New planner items can be created from email manager
Email manager emails can be unlinked to customer
Changed way that email manager emails are linked to a customer
Changed way that email manager emails are assigned to employees
Employees assigned to an email in email manager can be sent a message
directly from email manager
New accounts preference – Characters Not Allowed In Passwords

Completed On 12/17/01

Letters going out in secondary languages works properly
A letter will fall back to available language for the letter if the
customer’s language is overridden and there is no letter in that language
Expiration date variable in server events includes any leading zeros

Completed On 12/16/01

Made fix to PostgreSQL JDBC driver URL connect

Completed On 12/13/01

New server event protocol added – AppleScript
MacRADIUS support added to new style server events
WebTen support added to new style server events
Payment number can be passed to custom payment export to accounting format
Receipt number can be passed to custom payment export to accounting format
Services can be transferred to master account
Bandwidth added to usage generic report
Time online and bandwidth summarized on usage generic report
LaserSubstrate invoices can show up to 7 line items (up from 5)
LaserSubstrate return stubs have a place to enter amount enclosed
Fixed problem with outgoing email welcome letter to customer self-signups

Completed On 12/12/01

Company email manager has a toggle to only show emails assigned to self
Manually entered pending charges can be prorated
Sub-accounts can be automatically created under the ISP management web
Made change to how generic actions are validated under new style server
New server event protocol added – Email

Completed On 12/11/01

Made change to how mass mailing letters are generated
Dates for tech call logs made in ISP management web interface forces to 4
digit years
Made slight change to code that deletes server events
Server events can be triggered for customers with any account class
New RADIUS file config preference – Default IP Address For RADIUS Users
Income Projection report can be summarized by Account Class
Past due account letter is a sub-action of the primary letter routines
Company fax number and billing phone number can be set per VISP

Completed On 12/10/01

Printed non-fancy invoices can be up to 4 pages (instead of 2)
New account letter is a sub-action of the primary letter routines
All broadband fields can be passed to letters as variables
All broadband fields can be passed to server actions as variables

Completed On 12/8/01

Made some changes to new style server actions for Cancel Customers

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