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Applimac Clean Text 2.1

Applimac Clean Text 2.1 now available for download.

Applimac today released Applimac Clean Text 2.1 for Mac OS and Mac OS X.
Applimac Clean Text is a text-utility that eliminates all text formatting,
preparing it for pasting and performs other useful functions, such as
removing empty lines, removing multiple spaces, removing forwarding
characters from email text, removing tab characters, converting straight
quotes with curly quotes etc.

New in this release: improved the straight quotes to curly quotes feature:
in addition to double quotes, now the option works also for single quotes
and a bug fix under Mac OS X: now the main text field works better in Mac
OS X, in the previous version the arrow cursor didn’t change to I-beam
cursor when over the main field of the application.

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Mac OS Classic: (
Mac OS X: (

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