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MacTranslator Adds Ability to Generate Data Models From SQL

MacTranslator Adds SQL Reengineering
Generate Data Models From SQL For Popular RDBMS Products

Placitas, NM – Excel Software has extended the reengineering capabilities
of MacTranslator to generate MacA&D data models from SQL code. Database
designers can quickly generate logical and physical data models from an SQL
schema for popular RDBMS products including Oracle, SQL Server, DB2,
Sybase, Informix and InterBase. Rich data models can represent tables,
views, constraints, assertions, triggers, indexes, procedures and other SQL

MacA&D is a comprehensive tool for system analysis, requirement
specifications, software design and code generation. Popular modeling
notations and supported methods include object-oriented analysis and design
with UML, structured analysis and design using Yourdon/DeMarco and
Information Engineering (Martin) style data models for developing
information systems. MacTranslator is a reengineering tool for MacA&D that
generates UML class models for C++, Java and Object Pascal and structure
charts from C, Pascal, Basic and Fortran.

MacTranslator processes an input SQL script file containing statements like
CREATE TABLE, CREATE TRIGGER, etc. and produces a dictionary entry list
that can be imported into MacA&D. The new MacA&D 7.2 software automatically
generates data models from the dictionary information. Within minutes
designers can view graphic data models to understand, communicate or
enhance their database systems. Data models can be edited within MacA&D and
used to generate new SQL schemas for a selected RDBMS. Data models can be
integrated with other MacA&D models such as process models that show
information flow or state models that show different modes of operation and
event transitions. HTML reports can easily be generated to communicate
models, specifications and requirements to anyone with a web browser.

MacTranslator has a selection option for SQL-99, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2,
Sybase, Informix or InterBase dialects of SQL. Vendor specific SQL
statements in other dialects can also be supported with a configuration
option that captures design data from the SQL script. Some RDBMS products
support multiple schemas within a database. Each schema is automatically
mapped to a different namespace within the MacA&D design environment.

MacTranslator is priced at $495 and runs on Macintosh computers with 32
megabytes of RAM and MacOS 7.0 or later. Contact Excel Software for site
license and upgrade prices or visit for information
and online ordering.

Excel Software
Ph: (505) 771-3719
Fax: (505) 771-3718

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