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[MD1] Glucose Releases Data Hammer 1.5


Glucose Declares War on Infoglut with Release of Data Hammer 1.5

Gabriel Cheifetz
Glucose Development Corporation
36 S. Paca St. Suite 418
Baltimore, MD 21201

January 28, 1998– Glucose Development Corporation today announced the
immediate availability of Data Hammer 1.5, a major upgrade of its automatic
text summarization device for the Macintosh.

About Version 1.5

A powerful new text summarization engine, visual query execution, and
round-trip web publishing top the list of features in this release.

In addition to the newspaper-style headlines that version 1.0 generated,
Data Hammer 1.5 uses a new summarization engine to extract a bulleted list
of major topics from each section of a document.

Users can also search for words or phrases and see a colored map of where
they occur throughout a document.

In addition, round-trip web publishing means that any web page can now be
fetched, summarized, and saved as HTML all from within Data Hammer.

About Data Hammer

Data Hammer employs Glucose’s proprietary MTT summarization engine to
quickly generate intelligent abstracts of documents and web pages in real

To generate a summary, users can simply slide a slider and watch
non-essential information disappear, leaving only the most salient points.
Users can also drag and drop folders onto the Hammer to batch-process large
numbers of documents.

In addition to summarization, Data Hammer also provides document analysis
in the form of a document Content Map. Users can quickly locate important
sentences with a high “Content Density” using this map; a Jargon Map
provides similar capabilities for sentences with large amounts of technical

Data Hammer currently requires a PPC Mac and MacOS 7.5.5 or greater to run.
A 68K version is due in February. Screenshots and feature information can
be found at

Pricing and Availability

Data Hammer is being offered at an introductory price of US$34.95 (normally
$59.95), and can be purchased and downloaded online directly from the
Glucose web site at

Glucose Development Corporation of Baltimore, MD and Providence, RI created
the widely acclaimed Data Ratchet information extraction utility and is
dedicated to engineering a new generation of frighteningly intelligent

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