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[MD1] Motorola Bundles DAVE with StarMax


Motorola Bundles DAVE(tm) with StarMax Systems

— Mac-compatible Vendor Provides PC Connectivity Using TCP/IP

ARLINGTON, Texas–Thursby Software Systems, Inc. (TSS), the world’s leading
developer of Mac OS cross-platform solutions, announced a bundling
agreement with Motorola Computer Group (MCG) that includes DAVE software to
be shipped with StarMax systems beginning in mid-May.

DAVE V1.0.1 is the latest release from Thursby Software. It is a very
fast, new version of its powerful Mac OS to Windows networks connectivity
software. A free, fully-functional evaluation copy of DAVE is available at

Motorola has strategically included DAVE for cross-platform connectivity
with new StarMax configurations focused on the “enterprise” market.

“Providing value to our customers is our number one priority,” said Dennis
Schneider, vice president and general manager, Commercial Products
Division, MCG. “That means offering the overall best solution for Mac to
Windows PC connectivity. Thursby Software’s DAVE allows our customers to
run their networks on one standard protocol, providing a simple solution to
a complex problem. We’re pleased to include DAVE in our updated StarMax
product line.”

DAVE is the only software solution that enables StarMax users to share
files and printers with Windows NT (Server and Workstation), Windows 95 and
Windows for Workgroups computers using TCP/IP. DAVE makes the StarMax fit
into Microsoft networks as if it were a PC.

This solution is unique because DAVE uses the open, industry standard
protocol TCP/IP for file sharing, not AppleTalk. It is installed on the
familiar Mac OS system and not the PC. No additional hardware or software
is required; it simply utilizes the current network infrastructure. DAVE
makes the Mac OS system totally compatible and interoperable with Wintel
networks, supporting Internet and corporate intranet access, while
requiring little intervention from PC administrators.

DAVE has received high praise from industry press worldwide, including
Network Computing, Macworld Magazine, InfoWorld, Germany’s MacUP and other
leading trade publications. According to MacWEEK magazine, DAVE is more
than three times faster at transferring files to Windows 95 PCs than
AppleTalk solutions.

DAVE is designed with ease-of-use in mind and is as AppleShare-like as
possible. Users select DAVE from the Chooser and then easily mount PC
user’s shared directories. DAVE is a full featured product, integrating
with NT Services for Macintosh and supporting multiple mounts. It offers a
secure environment through encrypted passwords and supports both the 68K
and PPC Macintosh.

The Commercial Products Division of Motorola Computer Group is a worldwide
hardware and software supplier of Mac OS-compatible solutions.

Thursby Software Systems, Inc. of Arlington, Texas, has been developing,
supporting and marketing a wide variety of connectivity solutions worldwide
since 1986. Thursby Software products include the original DECnet and LAT
protocol suites for the Macintosh (TSSnet).

DAVE retails for $179.00 and is available worldwide. Thursby Software can
be contacted at 817.478.5070, by Internet e-mail: or

CONTACT: Cyndi Yuchas 817.478.5070

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