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MACINTOSH C CARBON: A Hobbyist's Guide To Programming the Macintosh in C
Version 1.0
© 2001 K. J. Bricknell
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The Multilingual Text Engine (MLTE), which was introduced with Mac OS 9.0 as an alternative for TextEdit, profoundly simplified the task of handling muliti-styled text and, at the same time, provided many new features not provided by TextEdit. The main additional features are as follows:

  • Documents can be larger than 32KB (the TextEdit limit).

  • Tabs.

  • Text justification.

  • Ability to embed movie, sound, and graphics objects in documents.

  • Built-in support for:

    • Scroll bar creation and handling, including live scrolling and proportional scroll boxes.

    • Undo/redo (32 levels).

    • Printing.

    • Drag and drop.

    • The public clipboard, specifically, copying and pasting:

      • Plain text.

      • Plain text with style resources.

      • Unicode text.

      • Flattened Unicode style information.

      • Movies, graphics, and sound.

  • In-line input.

MLTE uses Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging (ATSUI) to measure and draw text. ATSUI, which was introduced with Mac OS 8.6, replaced QuickDraw and the Script Manager as the low-level means of imaging and measuring text.

MLTE renders text into a rectangular frame. Applications can specify that lines be arbitrarily wide or auto-wrapped.

Global Layout Settings

The following are the main settings applying to the whole document:

  • Justification, which can be default, left, right, centre, full, or forced full.

  • Tab values.

  • Margins.

  • Auto-indent on or off.

  • Text auto-wrap on or off.

  • Read-only status on or off.

  • Line direction.

Undoable and Re-doable Actions

The following actions are undoable and re-doable:

  • Typing.

  • Cut, paste. and clear.

  • Change font, and font size, style and colour.

  • Justification.

  • Drag and drop move and copy.

Selection Behaviour

Within an MLTE document, a single-click defines an insertion point. (Recall from Chapter 21 that an insertion point is, in effect, a selection containing zero characters.) A double-click selects a word, and a triple-click selects a line.

File Types

MLTE supports saving and opening files of the following types:

  • A new type introduced with MLTE called Textension ('txtn'). This should be the preferred type for media-rich documents that can contain movies, graphics, and sound.

  • Text ('TEXT'), with or without style information. Style information may be saved as either 'styl' resources or 'MPSR' resources. If 'styl' resources are used , documents can have text in an unlimited number of styles; however, tabs will not be saved. If 'MPSR' resources are used , only the first style in the document will be saved.

  • Plain Unicode text ('utxt').

  • Movie ('MooV'), sound ('sfil' and 'AIFF'), and picture ('PICT').

Working With MLTE

Initialising and Terminating MLTE

TXNInitTextension should be called at program start to initialise the Textension library:

OSStatus  TXNInitTextension(const TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription iDefaultFonts[],
                            ItemCount iDefaultFonts,TXNInitOptions iUsageFlags);

NULL, or a table of entries for any encoding for which it is desired to designate a default font:

struct TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription 
  UInt32       fontID;     // Can assign kTXNDefaultFontName
  Fixed        pointSize;  // Can assign kTXNDefaultFontSize
  TextEncoding encoding;
  Style        fontStyle;  // Can assign kTXNDefaultFontStyle

For the encoding field, relevant constants are:


kTXNSystemDefaultEncoding is the encoding preferred by MLTE and the system. This is Unicode if ATSUI is present, as it will be on Mac OS 8.6 and later.)


Number of default fonts designated.


Specifies whether movies, sound, and/or graphics should be supported. Relevant constants are:


At program termination, you should call TXNTerminateTextension to close the Textension library and perform other clean-up actions.

Allocating and Deleting a TXNObject

Ordinarily, to create a new document, you create a new window and then pass a reference to that window in a call to TXNNewObject. TXNNewObject creates a new TXNObject, an object which contains private variables and functions required to handle text formatting:

OSStatus  TXNNewObject(const FSSpec *                iFileSpec,       // Can be NULL
                       WindowRef                     iWindow,
                       Rect *                        iFrame,          // Can be NULL
                       TXNFrameOptions               iFrameOptions,
                       TXNFrameType                  iFrameType,
                       TXNFileType                   iFileType,
                       TXNPermanentTextEncodingType  iPermanentEncoding,
                       TXNObject *                   oTXNObject,
                       TXNFrameID *                  oTXNFrameID,
                       TXNObjectRefcon               iRefCon);

Pointer to file system specification structure. The file is read in, and its contents displayed, after the TXNObject is allocated. If NULL is passed in this parameter, the document will be empty at start.


Reference to the window to be attached to the TXNObject, and in which the document will be displayed.


The area of the window in which the document's contents are to be displayed. Passing NULL in this parameter sets the frame to equate to the window's port rectangle.


The options supported by this frame. The principal relevant constants are:

kTXNShowWindowMask      Show window before TXNNewObject returns.
kTXNWantHScrollBarMask  Include horizontal scroll bar.
kTXNWantVScrollBarMask  Include vertical scroll bar.
kTXNNoSelectionMask     Do not display
insertion point.

The frame type. Relevant constants are:


The primary file type. The principal relevant constants are:


If you specify kTXNTextFile, and want style information to be saved, you can specify whether that information should be saved in a 'styl' resource or an 'MPSR' resource when calling the function TXNSave (see below).


The encoding the application considers text to be in. Relevant constants are:

kTXNSystemDefaultEncoding  Encoding preferred by MLTE and the
                           system. (This is Unicode if ATSUI is 
KTXNMacOSEncoding          Incoming and outgoing text to be in 
                           traditional MacOS encoding.
kTXNUnicodeEncoding        Incoming and outgoing text to be in 
                           Unicode, even on systems that do not 
                           have ATSUI.

On output, a pointer to a TXNObject.


On output, a unique ID for the frame.


Reference constant for use by the application.

If TXNNewObject is called with NULL passed in the iWindow parameter, a window can later be attached to the TXNObject by a call to the function TXNAttachObjectToWindow.

A previously allocated TXNObject and its associated data structures may be deleted by a call to the function TXNDeleteObject.

Setting and Getting Global Layout Settings

As previously stated, certain layout settings (for example, justification, tabs, and margins) apply to the whole TXNObject, that is, the whole document. These layout settings are referred to as control information. You can set control information by calling TXNSetTXNObjectControls:

OSStatus  TXNSetTXNObjectControls(TXNObject iTXNObject,
                                  Boolean iClearAll,
                                  ItemCount iControlCount,
                                  TXNControlTag iControlTags[],
                                  TXNControlData iControlData[]);

Pass true to reset all controls to the default.


The number of elements in the iControlTags and iControlData arrays, that is, the number of settings being changed.


An array of type TXNControlTag containing control tags. The principal relevant tags are:


An array of TXNControlData structures containing the control information being set. The TXNControlData structure, and its associated structures, are as follows:

union TXNControlData
  UInt32       uValue;
  SInt32       sValue;
  TXNTab       tabValue;
  TXNMargins * marginsPtr;
typedef union TXNControlData;

struct TXNTab                      struct TXNMargins
{                                  {
  SInt16     value;                  SInt16 topMargin;
  TXNTabType tabType;                SInt16 leftMargin;
  UInt8      filler;                 SInt16 bottomMargin;
};                                   SInt16 rightMargin;
typedef struct TXNTab TXNTab;     };
                                  typedef struct TXNMargins TXNMargins;

Constants relevant to the uValue field when setting justification are:


Constants relevant to the tabType field when setting tabs are:


Constants relevant to the uValue field when setting word wrapping are:


You can get control information by calling TXNGetTXNObjectControls:

OSStatus  TXNGetTXNObjectControls(TXNObject      iTXNObject,
                                  ItemCount      iControlCount,
                                  TXNControlTag  iControlTags[],
                                  TXNControlData oControlData[]);

The number of elements in the iControlTags and iControlData arrays.


An array of type TXNControlTag containing control tags.


An array of TXNControlData structures containing, on output, the control information requested by the tags in the iControlTags array.

Setting the Background

You can set he background by calling TXNSetBackground:

OSStatus  TXNSetBackground(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNBackground * iBackgroundInfo);

A pointer to a TXNBackground structure which describes the background. The TXNBackground structure and its associated union are as follows:

struct TXNBackground 
  TXNBackgroundType bgType;  // Assign kTXNBackgroundTypeRGB
  TXNBackgroundData bg;
typedef struct TXNBackground TXNBackground;

union TXNBackgroundData
  RGBColor color;
typedef union TXNBackgroundData TXNBackgroundData;

The only background type available with Version 1.1 of MLTE is a colour. TXNBackgroundData is a union so that it can be expanded in the future to support other background types, such as pictures.

Setting and Getting Type Attributes

You can set type attributes such as text size, style and colour by calling TXNSetTypeAttributes:

OSStatus  TXNSetTypeAttributes(TXNObject         iTXNObject,
                               ItemCount         iAttrCount,
                               TXNTypeAttributes iAttributes[],
                               TXNOffset         iStartOffset,
                               TXNOffset         iEndOffset);

The number of elements in the iAttributes array, that is, the number of attributes being set.


An array of TXNTypeAttributes structures specifying the attribute being set and the data, or pointer to the data, that will set the attribute. Values less than or equal to sizeof(UInt32) are passed by value. Values greater than sizeof(UInt32) are passed by pointer. The TXNTypeAttributes structure, and its main associated structure, are as follows:

struct TXNTypeAttributes 
  TXTNTag          tag;
  ByteCount        size;
  TXNAttributeData data;
typedef struct TXNTypeAttributes TXNTypeAttributes;

union TXNAttributeData 
  void *               dataPtr;
  UInt32               dataValue;
  TXNATSUIFeatures *   atsuFeatures;
  TXNATSUIVariations * atsuVariations;
typedef union TXNAttributeData TXNAttributeData;

The principal constants relevant to the tag field are:


The associated constants relevant to the size field are:


The offset at which to begin setting the attributes. If the requirement is to apply the attributes to the current selection, pass kTXNUseCurrentSelection in this parameter.


The offset at which to end setting the attributes. This parameter is ignored if kTXNUseCurrentSelection is passed in the iStartOffset parameter.

When your application detects a mouse-down in the menu bar or a Command-key combination, it typically adjusts its menus, enabling and disabling menu items as appropriate. If your application contains menus which allow the user to set type attributes, it must also prepare those menus for display by checkmarking and un-checkmarking items as appropriate.

Using a Size menu as an example, if the current selection (whether it be an empty or non-empty selection) contains text which is all of a single size, the menu item corresponding to that size, and only that menu item, should be checkmarked before the menu is displayed. However, if the selection contains text in two or more sizes, all menu items should be un-checkmarked. It is thus necessary to examine the selection to determine whether it contains a continuous size run or multiple sizes.

You can examine the current selection to determine whether font size, style, and colour are continuous by calling TXNGetContinuousTypeAttributes:

OSStatus  TXNGetContinuousTypeAttributes(TXNObject            iTxnObject,
                                         TXNContinuousFlags * oContinuousFlags,
                                         ItemCount            iCount,
                                         TXNTypeAttributes    ioTypeAttributes[]);

On output, the relevant bit, or bits, of this parameter can be examined to determine whether the associated attribute, or attributes, is/are continuous. For example, if size is continuous, bit 1 will be set. The relevant constants are:


Number of elements in the ioTypeAttributes array, that is, the number of attributes being examined.


An array of TXNTypeAttributes structures (see above). On input, the tag field in each structure specifies the attribute to be examined. On output, if the attribute is continuous, the dataValue or dataPtr field of the data field will contain a value, or a pointer to data, which can be used to determine which menu item should be checkmarked.

Functions Relevant to Events

The following functions are relevant to event handling:




Processes clicks in the content region, handling text selection, scrolling, drag and drop, and playing movies and sound.


Handles update events, redrawing the contents of the window. Calls BeginUpdate and EndUpdate.

TXNForceUpdate Forces an update event to be generated, thus forcing the contents of the window to be redrawn.


Similar to TXNUpdate, except that BeginUpdate and EndUpdate are not called. Should be used, in lieu of TXNUpdate, for a window that contains multiple TXNObjects or some graphic element.


In MLTE, activation is a two-step process. TXNActivate performs the first step, which has to do with activating or deactivating the scroll bars.

When true is passed in the TXNScrollBarState parameter, the scroll bars are activated, even when text input (selection and typing) has been defeated by TXNFocus (see below). When false is passed in the TXNScrollBarState parameter, the scroll bars are deactivated.


The second step in the activation process has to do with activating text input (selection and typing).

When true is passed in the iBecomingFocused parameter, text input is activated. When false is passed in the iBecomingFocused parameter text input is deactivated.


Handles cursor shape-changing. If the cursor is over a text area, it is set to the I-beam shape. If it is over a scrollbar, a movie, graphic, or a sound, or outside the frame, it is set to the arrow shape.

Not relevant in applications using the Carbon event model.


Handles mousedowns in the zoom box.


Handles mouse-downs in the size box.


Gets the appropriate sleep time.

Note that, in Carbon applications, calling TXNKeyDown on receipt of key events is not necessary, since MLTE handles the event itself without any assistance on the part of your application. Note also that:

  • When the Classic event model is used, it is not possible to filter key events because the event is sent to MLTE before WaitNextEvent delivers it to your application.

  • When the Carbon event model is used, key events are sent through the Carbon event system before they are sent to MLTE. This means that you can filter key events by, for example, installing a handler for the kEventUnicodeForKeyEvent event kind (kEventClassTextInput event class).

Functions Relevant to the File Menu

The following functions are relevant to your application's File menu:




Saves the contents of a document to a file of a specified file type (for example, Textension, text, or Unicode text). The data fork of the file must be open and its file reference number passed in the iDataReference parameter.

For files of type text, if style information is also to be saved, the resource fork of the file must also be open and its file reference number passed in the iResourceReference parameter (The iResourceReference parameter is ignored when the Textension file type is specified.) kTXNMultipleStylesPerTextDocumentResType passed in the iResType parameter causes style information be saved to a 'style' resource. To specify that style information be saved to an 'MPSR' resource, pass kTXNSingleStylePerTextDocumentResType in the iResType parameter.

TXNSave does not move the file mark before writing to a file. This allows you to write private data first (if required), followed by the data written by TXNSave.


Reverts to the last saved version of the document or, if the document has never been saved, reverts to an empty document.


Displays the Page Setup dialog and reformats the text if settings are changed by the user.


Displays the Print dialog and prints the document.


Returns the number of times the document has been changed since the last save or, for new documents which have not yet been saved, since the document was created. Useful for determining whether the Save and Revert items should be enabled or disabled.


Returns the size in bytes of the characters in the document. Useful for determining if the Save As, Page Setup and Print items should be enabled or disabled.

Functions Relevant to the Edit Menu

The following functions are relevant to your application's Edit menu:




Returns true if the last action is undoable, in which case the Undo item should be enabled.


Returns true if the last action is re-doable, in which case the Redo item should be enabled.


Undoes the last action.


Re-does the last action.


Cuts the current selection to the MLTE private scrap.


Copies the current selection to the MLTE private scrap.


Pastes the MLTE private scrap to the document.


Clears the current selection.


Selects everything in a frame.


Returns false if the current selection is not empty, in which case the Cut, Copy, and Clear items should be enabled.


Returns true if the current MLTE scrap is pastable, in which case the Paste item should be enabled.


Converts the MLTE private scrap to the public clipboard. Note that, in Carbon applications, this function should not be called on suspend events. Typically, it should be called immediately after TXNCut and TXNCopy.


Returns the size in bytes of the characters in the document. Useful for determining if the Select All item should be enabled or disabled.

Note that, in Carbon applications, there is no need to call TXNConvertFromPublicScrap to convert the public clipboard to the MLTE private scrap. In Carbon applications, MLTE automatically keeps the public scrap and private scrap synchronised.

More on TXNCanUndo and TXNCanRedo

When TXNCanUndo and TXNCanRedo return true, they also return in their oTXNActionKey parameters an action key which can be used by your application to load an indexed string describing the undoable or re-doable action. The Undo and Redo items should be set to this string using SetMenuItemText. The following are the main action key constants:

     kTXNTypingAction        kTXNChangeFontColorAction    kTXNAlignLeftAction 
     kTXNCutAction           kTXNChangeFontSizeAction     kTXNAlignRightAction
     kTXNPasteAction         kTXNChangeStyleAction        kTXNAlignCenterAction 
     kTXNClearAction         kTXNMoveAction               kTXNUndoLastAction
     kTXNChangeFontAction    kTXNDropAction

Creating, Preparing, and Handling the Font Menu

MLTE contains functions which greatly simplify the task of creating and managing the Font menu.

The TXNNewFontMenuObject function may be used to create a hierarchical Font menu. A reference to the (empty) Font menu, the menu ID, and the starting ID for the sub-menus are passed in the first three parameters, and a pointer to a TXNFontMenuObject is returned in the fourth parameter. The starting ID for the sub-menus must be 160 or higher.

To prepare the Font menu for display when the user clicks in the menu bar, you should simply call TXNPrepareFontMenu, which checkmarks and un-checkmarks items in the Font menu as appropriate.

A call to TXNDoFontMenuSelection, with the TXNFontMenuObject obtained by the call to TXNNewFontMenuObject passed in the second parameter and the menu ID and chosen menu item passed in the third and fourth parameters, sets the chosen font and changes the current selection to that font.

At program termination, you should call TXNDisposeFontMenuObject to dispose of the TXNFontMenuObject and its menu handle.

Setting Data

You can replace a specified range with data by calling TXNSetData:

OSStatus  TXNSetData(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNDataType iDataType,void * iDataPtr,
                     ByteCount iDataSize,TXNOffset iStartOffset,TXNOffset iEndOffset);

The type of data. Relevant constants are:


A pointer to the new data.


The size of new data.


The offset to the beginning of the range to replace.


The offset to the end of range to replace.

You can replace a specified range with the contents of a specified file by calling TXNSetDataFromFile:

OSStatus  TXNSetDataFromFile(TXNObject iTXNObject,SInt16 iFileRefNum,OSType iFileType,
                             ByteCount iFileLength,TXNOffset iStartOffset,
                             TXNOffset iEndOffset);

The file reference number.


The file type. For file types supported by MLTE, the relevant constants are:


How much data should be read. Ignored if the file type is a file type that MLTE supports.

This parameter is useful when you want data that is embedded in the file. For the whole file, pass kTXNEndOffset in this parameter.


The offset to the beginning of the range to replace.


The offset to the end of range to replace.

The data fork of the file must be opened, and the file mark set, by the application. MLTE does not move the file's marker before reading the data.

Main Constants, Data Types, and Functions



kTXNWantMoviesMask           = 1L << kTXNWantMoviesBit
kTXNWantSoundMask            = 1L << kTXNWantSoundBit
kTXNWantGraphicsMask         = 1L << kTXNWantGraphicsBit

Text Encoding

kTXNSystemDefaultEncoding    = 0
kTXNMacOSEncoding            = 1
kTXNUnicodeEncoding          = 2

Frame Options

kTXNShowWindowMask           = 1L << kTXNShowWindowBit
kTXNWantHScrollBarMask       = 1L << kTXNWantHScrollBarBit
kTXNWantVScrollBarMask       = 1L << kTXNWantVScrollBarBit
kTXNNoSelectionMask          = 1L << kTXNNoSelectionBit

Frame Types

kTXNTextEditStyleFrameType   = 1
kTXNPageFrameType            = 2
kTXNMultipleFrameType        = 3
Global Layout
kTXNJustificationTag         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('just')
kTXNTabSettingsTag           = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tabs')
kTXNMarginsTag               = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('marg')
kTXNWordWrapStateTag         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wwrs')
kTXNFlushDefault             = 0
kTXNFlushLeft                = 1
kTXNFlushRight               = 2
kTXNCenter                   = 4
kTXNFullJust                 = 8
kTXNForceFullJust            = 16
kTXNAutoWrap                 = false
kTXNNoAutoWrap               = true
kTXNRightTab                 = -1
kTXNLeftTab                  = 0
kTXNCenterTab                = 1

Setting the Background

kTXNBackgroundTypeRGB        = 1

Type Attributes

kTXNSizeContinuousMask       = 1L << kTXNSizeContinuousBit
kTXNStyleContinuousMask      = 1L << kTXNStyleContinuousBit
kTXNColorContinuousMask      = 1L << kTXNColorContinuousBit
kTXNQDFontSizeAttribute      = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('size')
kTXNQDFontStyleAttribute     = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('face')
kTXNQDFontColorAttribute     = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('klor')
kTXNFontSizeAttributeSize    = sizeof(Fixed)
kTXNQDFontStyleAttributeSize = sizeof(Style)
kTXNQDFontColorAttributeSize = sizeof(RGBColor)

Data Types

kTXNTextData                 = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT')
kTXNPictureData              = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('PICT')
kTXNMovieData                = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('moov')
kTXNSoundData                = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('snd ')
kTXNUnicodeTextData          = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('utxt')

File Types

kTXNTextensionFile           = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('txtn')
kTXNTextFile                 = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT')
kTXNPictureFile              = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('PICT')
kTXNMovieFile                = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('MooV')
kTXNSoundFile                = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sfil')
kTXNAIFFFile                 = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('AIFF')
kTXNUnicodeTextFile          = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('utxt')

Undo/Redo Action Keys

kTXNTypingAction             = 0
kTXNCutAction                = 1
kTXNPasteAction              = 2
kTXNClearAction              = 3
kTXNChangeFontAction         = 4
kTXNChangeFontColorAction    = 5
kTXNChangeFontSizeAction     = 6
kTXNChangeStyleAction        = 7
kTXNAlignLeftAction          = 8
kTXNAlignCenterAction        = 9
kTXNAlignRightAction         = 10
kTXNDropAction               = 11
kTXNMoveAction               = 12
kTXNUndoLastAction           = 1024

Saving Text Files Ń Style Information

kTXNSingleStylePerTextDocumentResType    = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('MPSR')
kTXNMultipleStylesPerTextDocumentResType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('styl')

Data Types

typedef struct OpaqueTXNObject*         TXNObject;
typedef struct OpaqueTXNFontMenuObject* TXNFontMenuObject;
typedef UInt32                          TXNFrameID;
typedef OptionBits                      TXNInitOptions;
typedef UInt32                          TXNPermanentTextEncodingType;
typedef OptionBits                      TXNFrameOptions;
typedef UInt32                          TXNFrameType;
typedef UInt32                          TXNBackgroundType;
typedef FourCharCode                    TXNControlTag;
typedef SInt8                           TXNTabType;
typedef OptionBits                      TXNContinuousFlags;
typedef ByteCount                       TXNTypeRunAttributeSizes;
typedef OSType                          TXNDataType;
typedef OSType                          TXNFileType;
typedef UInt32                          TXNActionKey;

Global Layout

union TXNControlData
  UInt32       uValue;
  SInt32       sValue;
  TXNTab       tabValue;
  TXNMargins * marginsPtr;
typedef union TXNControlData TXNControlData;

struct TXNTab
  SInt16     value;
  TXNTabType tabType;
  UInt8      filler;
typedef struct TXNTab TXNTab;

struct TXNMargins
  SInt16 topMargin;
  SInt16 leftMargin;
  SInt16 bottomMargin;
  SInt16 rightMargin;
typedef struct TXNMargins TXNMargins;

Setting the Background

struct TXNBackground 
  TXNBackgroundType bgType;
  TXNBackgroundData bg;
typedef struct TXNBackground TXNBackground;

union TXNBackgroundData
  RGBColor color;
typedef union TXNBackgroundData TXNBackgroundData;

Type Attributes

struct TXNTypeAttributes 
    TXTNTag          tag;
    ByteCount        size;
    TXNAttributeData data;
typedef struct TXNTypeAttributes TXNTypeAttributes;

union TXNAttributeData
  void *               dataPtr;
  UInt32               dataValue;
  TXNATSUIFeatures *   atsuFeatures;
  TXNATSUIVariations * atsuVariations;
typedef union TXNAttributeData TXNAttributeData;

Font Description

struct TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription
  UInt32       fontID;
  Fixed        pointSize;
  TextEncoding encoding;
  Style        fontStyle;
typedef struct TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription;


Initialising and Terminating

void      TXNTerminateTextension(void);
OSStatus  TXNInitTextension(const TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription iDefaultFonts[],
          ItemCount iCountDefaultFonts,TXNInitOptions iUsageFlags);

Allocating and Deleting TXNObject

OSStatus  TXNNewObject(const FSSpec *iFileSpec,WindowRef iWindow,Rect *iFrame,
          TXNFrameOptions iFrameOptions,TXNFrameType iFrameType, TXNFileType iFileType,
          TXNPermanentTextEncodingType iPermanentEncoding,TXNObject *oTXNObject,
          TXNFrameID *oTXNFrameID,TXNObjectRefcon iRefCon);
void      TXNDeleteObject(TXNObject iTXNObject);

Attaching an Object to a Window

OSStatus  TXNAttachObjectToWindow(TXNObject iTXNObject,GWorldPtr iWindow,
          Boolean iIsActualWindow);
Boolean   TXNIsObjectAttachedToWindow(TXNObject iTXNObject);

Resizing the Frame

void      TXNResizeFrame(TXNObject iTXNObject,UInt32 iWidth,UInt32 iHeight,
          TXNFrameID iTXNFrameID);

Setting and Getting Global Layout Settings

OSStatus  TXNSetTXNObjectControls(TXNObject iTXNObject,Boolean iClearAll,
          ItemCount iControlCount,TXNControlTag iControlTags[],TXNControlData iControlData[]);
OSStatus  TXNGetTXNObjectControls(TXNObject iTXNObject,ItemCount iControlCount,
          TXNControlTag iControlTags[],TXNControlData oControlData[]);

Setting the Background

OSStatus  TXNSetBackground(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNBackground *iBackgroundInfo);
Setting and Getting Type Attributes
OSStatus  TXNSetTypeAttributes(TXNObject iTXNObject,ItemCount iAttrCount,
          TXNTypeAttributes iAttributes[],TXNOffset iStartOffset,TXNOffset iEndOffset);
OSStatus  TXNGetContinuousTypeAttributes(TXNObject iTxnObject,
          TXNContinuousFlags *oContinuousFlags,ItemCount iCount,
          TXNTypeAttributes  ioTypeAttributes[]);

Event Handling

void      TXNClick(TXNObject iTXNObject,const EventRecord *iEvent);
void      TXNUpdate(TXNObject iTXNObject);
void      TXNForceUpdate(TXNObject iTXNObject);
void      TXNDraw(TXNObject iTXNObject,GWorldPtr iDrawPort);
OSStatus  TXNActivate(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNFrameID iTXNFrameID,
          TXNScrollBarState iActiveState);
void      TXNFocus(TXNObject iTXNObject,Boolean iBecomingFocused);
void      TXNAdjustCursor(TXNObject iTXNObject,RgnHandle ioCursorRgn);
void      TXNZoomWindow(TXNObject iTXNObject,short iPart);
void      TXNGrowWindow(TXNObject iTXNObject,const EventRecord *iEvent);
UInt32    TXNGetSleepTicks(TXNObject iTXNObject);

Functions Relevant to the File Menu

OSStatus  TXNSave(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNFileType iType,OSType iResType,
          TXNPermanentTextEncodingType iPermanentEncoding,FSSpec *iFileSpecification,
          SInt16 iDataReference,SInt16 iResourceReference);
OSStatus  TXNRevert(TXNObject iTXNObject);
OSStatus  TXNPageSetup(TXNObject iTXNObject);
OSStatus  TXNPrint(TXNObject iTXNObject);

Functions Relevant to the Edit Menu

Boolean   TXNCanUndo(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNActionKey *oTXNActionKey);
Boolean   TXNCanRedo(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNActionKey *oTXNActionKey);
void      TXNUndo(TXNObject iTXNObject);
void      TXNRedo(TXNObject iTXNObject);
OSStatus  TXNCut(TXNObject iTXNObject);
OSStatus  TXNCopy(TXNObject iTXNObject);
OSStatus  TXNPaste(TXNObject iTXNObject);
OSStatus  TXNClear(TXNObject iTXNObject);
void      TXNSelectAll(TXNObject iTXNObject);

Creating, Preparing, Handling, and Disposing of the Font Menu

OSStatus  TXNNewFontMenuObject(MenuRef iFontMenuHandle,SInt16 iMenuID,
          SInt16 iStartHierMenuID,TXNFontMenuObject *oTXNFontMenuObject);
OSStatus  TXNPrepareFontMenu(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNFontMenuObject iTXNFontMenuObject);
OSStatus  TXNDoFontMenuSelection(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNFontMenuObject iTXNFontMenuObject,
          SInt16 iMenuID,SInt16 iMenuItem);
OSStatus  TXNGetFontMenuRef(TXNFontMenuObject iTXNFontMenuObject,MenuRef *oFontMenuHandle);
OSStatus  TXNDisposeFontMenuObject(TXNFontMenuObject iTXNFontMenuObject);


Boolean   TXNIsSelectionEmpty(TXNObject iTXNObject);
void      TXNGetSelection(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNOffset *oStartOffset,TXNOffset *oEndOffset);
void      TXNShowSelection(TXNObject iTXNObject,Boolean iShowEnd);
OSStatus  TXNSetSelection(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNOffset iStartOffset,TXNOffset iEndOffset);

Setting Data

ByteCount TXNDataSize(TXNObject iTXNObject);
OSStatus  TXNGetData(TXNObject iTXNObject,TXNOffset iStartOffset,TXNOffset iEndOffset,
          Handle *oDataHandle);
OSStatus  TXNSetDataFromFile(TXNObject iTXNObject,SInt16 iFileRefNum,OSType iFileType,
          ByteCount iFileLength,TXNOffset iStartOffset,TXNOffset iEndOffset);

Getting the Change Count

ItemCount TXNGetChangeCount(TXNObject iTXNObject);


Boolean   TXNIsScrapPastable(void);
OSStatus  TXNConvertToPublicScrap(void);

Font Defaults

OSStatus  TXNSetFontDefaults(TXNObject iTXNObject,ItemCount iCount,
          TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription iFontDefaults[]);
OSStatus  TXNGetFontDefaults(TXNObject iTXNObject,ItemCount *ioCount,
          TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription iFontDefaults[]);


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Make the passage of time your plaything...
While some of us are still waiting for a chance to get our hands on Ash Prime - yes, don’t remind me I could currently buy him this month I’m barely hanging on - Digital Extremes has announced its next anticipated Prime Form for Warframe. Starting... | Read more »
If you can find it and fit through the d...
The holy trinity of amazing company names have come together, to release their equally amazing and adorable mobile game, Hamster Inn. Published by HyperBeard Games, and co-developed by Mum Not Proud and Little Sasquatch Studios, it's time to... | Read more »
Amikin Survival opens for pre-orders on...
Join me on the wonderful trip down the inspiration rabbit hole; much as Palworld seemingly “borrowed” many aspects from the hit Pokemon franchise, it is time for the heavily armed animal survival to also spawn some illegitimate children as Helio... | Read more »
PUBG Mobile teams up with global phenome...
Since launching in 2019, SpyxFamily has exploded to damn near catastrophic popularity, so it was only a matter of time before a mobile game snapped up a collaboration. Enter PUBG Mobile. Until May 12th, players will be able to collect a host of... | Read more »
Embark into the frozen tundra of certain...
Chucklefish, developers of hit action-adventure sandbox game Starbound and owner of one of the cutest logos in gaming, has released their roguelike deck-builder Wildfrost. Created alongside developers Gaziter and Deadpan Games, Wildfrost will... | Read more »
MoreFun Studios has announced Season 4,...
Tension has escalated in the ever-volatile world of Arena Breakout, as your old pal Randall Fisher and bosses Fred and Perrero continue to lob insults and explosives at each other, bringing us to a new phase of warfare. Season 4, Into The Fog of... | Read more »
Top Mobile Game Discounts
Every day, we pick out a curated list of the best mobile discounts on the App Store and post them here. This list won't be comprehensive, but it every game on it is recommended. Feel free to check out the coverage we did on them in the links below... | Read more »
Marvel Future Fight celebrates nine year...
Announced alongside an advertising image I can only assume was aimed squarely at myself with the prominent Deadpool and Odin featured on it, Netmarble has revealed their celebrations for the 9th anniversary of Marvel Future Fight. The Countdown... | Read more »
HoYoFair 2024 prepares to showcase over...
To say Genshin Impact took the world by storm when it was released would be an understatement. However, I think the most surprising part of the launch was just how much further it went than gaming. There have been concerts, art shows, massive... | Read more »
Explore some of BBCs' most iconic s...
Despite your personal opinion on the BBC at a managerial level, it is undeniable that it has overseen some fantastic British shows in the past, and now thanks to a partnership with Roblox, players will be able to interact with some of these... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

You can save $300-$480 on a 14-inch M3 Pro/Ma...
Apple has 14″ M3 Pro and M3 Max MacBook Pros in stock today and available, Certified Refurbished, starting at $1699 and ranging up to $480 off MSRP. Each model features a new outer case, shipping is... Read more
24-inch M1 iMacs available at Apple starting...
Apple has clearance M1 iMacs available in their Certified Refurbished store starting at $1049 and ranging up to $300 off original MSRP. Each iMac is in like-new condition and comes with Apple’s... Read more
Walmart continues to offer $699 13-inch M1 Ma...
Walmart continues to offer new Apple 13″ M1 MacBook Airs (8GB RAM, 256GB SSD) online for $699, $300 off original MSRP, in Space Gray, Silver, and Gold colors. These are new MacBook for sale by... Read more
B&H has 13-inch M2 MacBook Airs with 16GB...
B&H Photo has 13″ MacBook Airs with M2 CPUs, 16GB of memory, and 256GB of storage in stock and on sale for $1099, $100 off Apple’s MSRP for this configuration. Free 1-2 day delivery is available... Read more
14-inch M3 MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM avail...
Apple has the 14″ M3 MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage, Certified Refurbished, available for $300 off MSRP. Each MacBook Pro features a new outer case, shipping is free, and an Apple 1-... Read more
Apple M2 Mac minis on sale for up to $150 off...
Amazon has Apple’s M2-powered Mac minis in stock and on sale for $100-$150 off MSRP, each including free delivery: – Mac mini M2/256GB SSD: $499, save $100 – Mac mini M2/512GB SSD: $699, save $100 –... Read more
Amazon is offering a $200 discount on 14-inch...
Amazon has 14-inch M3 MacBook Pros in stock and on sale for $200 off MSRP. Shipping is free. Note that Amazon’s stock tends to come and go: – 14″ M3 MacBook Pro (8GB RAM/512GB SSD): $1399.99, $200... Read more
Sunday Sale: 13-inch M3 MacBook Air for $999,...
Several Apple retailers have the new 13″ MacBook Air with an M3 CPU in stock and on sale today for only $999 in Midnight. These are the lowest prices currently available for new 13″ M3 MacBook Airs... Read more
Multiple Apple retailers are offering 13-inch...
Several Apple retailers have 13″ MacBook Airs with M2 CPUs in stock and on sale this weekend starting at only $849 in Space Gray, Silver, Starlight, and Midnight colors. These are the lowest prices... Read more
Roundup of Verizon’s April Apple iPhone Promo...
Verizon is offering a number of iPhone deals for the month of April. Switch, and open a new of service, and you can qualify for a free iPhone 15 or heavy monthly discounts on other models: – 128GB... Read more

Jobs Board

Relationship Banker - *Apple* Valley Financ...
Relationship Banker - Apple Valley Financial Center APPLE VALLEY, Minnesota **Job Description:** At Bank of America, we are guided by a common purpose to help Read more
IN6728 Optometrist- *Apple* Valley, CA- Tar...
Date: Apr 9, 2024 Brand: Target Optical Location: Apple Valley, CA, US, 92308 **Requisition ID:** 824398 At Target Optical, we help people see and look great - and Read more
Medical Assistant - Orthopedics *Apple* Hil...
Medical Assistant - Orthopedics Apple Hill York Location: WellSpan Medical Group, York, PA Schedule: Full Time Sign-On Bonus Eligible Remote/Hybrid Regular Apply Now Read more
*Apple* Systems Administrator - JAMF - Activ...
…**Public Trust/Other Required:** None **Job Family:** Systems Administration **Skills:** Apple Platforms,Computer Servers,Jamf Pro **Experience:** 3 + years of Read more
Liquor Stock Clerk - S. *Apple* St. - Idaho...
Liquor Stock Clerk - S. Apple St. Boise Posting Begin Date: 2023/10/10 Posting End Date: 2024/10/14 Category: Retail Sub Category: Customer Service Work Type: Part Read more
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