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Demonstration Program Appearance

Goto Contents

// *******************************************************************************************
// Appearance.c                                                            CLASSIC EVENT MODEL
// *******************************************************************************************
// This program opens two kWindowDocumentProc windows containing:
// o  In the first window:
//    o  On Mac OS 8/9, a theme-compliant list view.
//    o  On Mac OS X, some text drawn with Appearance Manager functions.
// o  In the second window, various images drawn with Appearance primitives and, on Mac OS 
//    8/9, text drawn in the window header in the correct Appearance colour.
// Two of the images in the second window are edit text field frames and one is a list box
// frame.  At any one time, one of these will have a keyboard focus frame drawn around it.
// Clicking in one of the other frames will move the keyboard focus frame to that frame.
// The program utilises the following resources:
// o  A 'plst' resource.
// o  An 'MBAR' resource, and 'MENU' resources for Apple, File, and Edit menus (preload, 
//    non-purgeable).  
// o  Two 'WIND' resources (purgeable) (initially not visible).
// o  A 'STR#' list resource (purgeable) containing text drawn in the first window.
// o  'hrct' and 'hwin' resources (both purgeable), which provide help balloons describing the
//     contents of the windows (Mac OS 8/9).
// o  A 'SIZE' resource with the acceptSuspendResumeEvents,  canBackground, 
//    doesActivateOnFGSwitch, and isHighLevelEventAware flags set.
// *******************************************************************************************

// .................................................................................. includes

#include <Carbon.h>

// ................................................................................... defines

#define rMenubar          128
#define rNewWindow1       128
#define rNewWindow2       129
#define mAppleApplication 128
#define  iAbout           1
#define mFile             129
#define  iQuit            12
#define sDescription      128
#define MAX_UINT32        0xFFFFFFFF

// .......................................................................... global variables

Boolean   gRunningOnX = false;
Boolean   gDone;
Boolean   gInBackground;
WindowRef gWindowRef1, gWindowRef2;
SInt16    gPixelDepth;
Boolean   gIsColourDevice = false;
Rect      gCurrentRect;
Rect      gEditText1Rect = { 141, 20, 162, 239 };
Rect      gEditText2Rect = { 169, 20, 190, 239 };
Rect      gListBoxRect   = { 203, 90, 300, 239 };

// ....................................................................... function prototypes

void  main                        (void);
void  doPreliminaries             (void);
OSErr quitAppEventHandler         (AppleEvent *,AppleEvent *,SInt32);
void  doEvents                    (EventRecord *);
void  doUpdate                    (EventRecord *);
void  doActivate                  (EventRecord *);
void  doActivateWindow            (WindowRef,Boolean);
void  doOSEvent                   (EventRecord *);
void  doDrawAppearancePrimitives  (ThemeDrawState);
void  doDrawThemeCompliantTextOn9 (WindowRef,ThemeDrawState);
void  doDrawListViewOn9           (WindowRef);
void  doDrawThemeTextOnX          (WindowRef,ThemeDrawState);
void  doChangeKeyBoardFocus       (Point);
void  doGetDepthAndDevice         (void);

// ************************************************************************************** main

void  main(void)
  MenuBarHandle menubarHdl;
  SInt32        response;
  MenuRef       menuRef;
  SInt16        fontNum;
  EventRecord   EventStructure;

  // ........................................................................ do preliminaries


  // ............................................................... set up menu bar and menus

  menubarHdl = GetNewMBar(rMenubar);
  if(menubarHdl == NULL)

  if(response & gestaltMenuMgrAquaLayoutMask)
    menuRef = GetMenuRef(mFile);
    if(menuRef != NULL)
      DeleteMenuItem(menuRef,iQuit - 1);

    gRunningOnX = true;

  // .................................. open first window, set font and font size, show window

  if(!(gWindowRef1 = GetNewCWindow(rNewWindow1,NULL,(WindowRef)-1)))

    GetFNum("\pAmerican Typewriter",&fontNum);

    SetWTitle(gWindowRef1,"\pList Views");
    SetWTitle(gWindowRef1,"\pTheme Text");


  // ................ open second window, set font, set background colour/pattern, show window

  if(!(gWindowRef2 = GetNewCWindow(rNewWindow2,NULL,(WindowRef)-1)))




  // ...... get pixel depth and whether colour device for certain Appearance Manager functions


// .............. set top edit text field rectangle as target for initial keyboard focus frame

  gCurrentRect = gEditText1Rect;

  // ......................................................................... enter eventLoop

  gDone = false;


// *************************************************************************** doPreliminaries

void  doPreliminaries(void)
  OSErr osError;


  osError = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass,kAEQuitApplication,
                            NewAEEventHandlerUPP((AEEventHandlerProcPtr) quitAppEventHandler),
  if(osError != noErr)

// **************************************************************************** doQuitAppEvent

OSErr  quitAppEventHandler(AppleEvent *appEvent,AppleEvent *reply,SInt32 handlerRefcon)
  OSErr    osError;
  DescType returnedType;
  Size     actualSize;

  osError = AEGetAttributePtr(appEvent,keyMissedKeywordAttr,typeWildCard,&returnedType,NULL,0,

  if(osError == errAEDescNotFound)
    gDone = true;
    osError = noErr;
  else if(osError == noErr)
    osError = errAEParamMissed;

  return osError;

// ********************************************************************************** doEvents

void  doEvents(EventRecord *eventStrucPtr)
  SInt32         menuChoice;
  MenuID         menuID;
  MenuItemIndex  menuItem;
  WindowPartCode partCode;
  WindowRef      windowRef;

    case kHighLevelEvent:

    case keyDown:
      if((eventStrucPtr->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0)
        menuChoice = MenuEvent(eventStrucPtr);
        menuID = HiWord(menuChoice);
        menuItem = LoWord(menuChoice);
        if(menuID == mFile && menuItem  == iQuit)
          gDone = true;

    case mouseDown:
      if(partCode = FindWindow(eventStrucPtr->where,&windowRef))
          case inMenuBar:
            menuChoice = MenuSelect(eventStrucPtr->where);
            menuID = HiWord(menuChoice);
            menuItem = LoWord(menuChoice);

            if(menuID == 0)

              case mAppleApplication:
                if(menuItem == iAbout)

              case mFile:
                if(menuItem == iQuit)
                  gDone = true;
          case inContent:
            if(windowRef != FrontWindow())
              if(FrontWindow() == gWindowRef2)
          case inDrag:

    case updateEvt:

    case activateEvt:

    case osEvt:

// ********************************************************************************** doUpdate

void  doUpdate(EventRecord *eventStrucPtr)
  WindowRef windowRef;

  windowRef = (WindowRef) eventStrucPtr->message;



  if(windowRef == gWindowRef2)
    if(gWindowRef2 == FrontWindow() && !gInBackground)

  if(windowRef == gWindowRef1)


// ******************************************************************************** doActivate

void  doActivate(EventRecord *eventStrucPtr)
  WindowRef windowRef;
  Boolean   becomingActive;

  windowRef = (WindowRef) eventStrucPtr->message;
  becomingActive = ((eventStrucPtr->modifiers & activeFlag) == activeFlag);

// ************************************************************************** doActivateWindow

void  doActivateWindow(WindowRef windowRef,Boolean becomingActive)
  if(windowRef == gWindowRef2)


  else if(windowRef == gWindowRef1 && gRunningOnX)

// ********************************************************************************* doOSEvent

void  doOSEvent(EventRecord *eventStrucPtr)
  switch((eventStrucPtr->message >> 24) & 0x000000FF)
    case suspendResumeMessage:
      if((eventStrucPtr->message & resumeFlag) == 1)
        gInBackground = false;
        gInBackground = true;

// **************************************************************** doDrawAppearancePrimitives

void  doDrawAppearancePrimitives(ThemeDrawState inState)
  Rect theRect;













// *************************************************************** doDrawThemeCompliantTextOn9

void  doDrawThemeCompliantTextOn9(WindowRef windowRef,ThemeDrawState inState)
  SInt16 windowWidth, stringWidth;
  Rect   portRect;
  Str255 message = "\pBalloon help is available";

  if(inState == kThemeStateActive)

  windowWidth = portRect.right - portRect.left;
  stringWidth = StringWidth(message);
  MoveTo((windowWidth / 2) - (stringWidth / 2), 17);

// ************************************************************************* doDrawListViewOn9

void  doDrawListViewOn9(WindowRef windowRef)
  Rect   theRect;
  SInt16 a;



  theRect.left += 130;




    LineTo(theRect.right - 1,a);


  for(;a<=theRect.bottom +18;a+=18)
    MoveTo(theRect.left,a - 5);
    DrawString("\p   List View Background        List View Sort Column");

// ************************************************************************ doDrawThemeTextOnX

void  doDrawThemeTextOnX(WindowRef windowRef,ThemeDrawState inState)
  Rect        portRect;
  Str255      theString;
  CFStringRef stringRef;


  if(inState == kThemeStateActive)

  DrawThemeTextBox(CFSTR("System Font"),kThemeSystemFont,inState,true,
  DrawThemeTextBox(CFSTR("Emphasized System Font"),kThemeEmphasizedSystemFont,inState,true,
  DrawThemeTextBox(CFSTR("Small System Font"),kThemeSmallSystemFont,inState,true,
  DrawThemeTextBox(CFSTR("Small Emphasized System Font"),kThemeSmallEmphasizedSystemFont,
  DrawThemeTextBox(CFSTR("Application Font"),kThemeApplicationFont,inState,true,
  DrawThemeTextBox(CFSTR("Label Font"),kThemeLabelFont,inState,true,
  stringRef = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(NULL,theString,CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
  SetRect(&portRect,portRect.left + 20,210,portRect.right - 20,300);

  if(stringRef != NULL)

// ********************************************************************* doChangeKeyBoardFocus

void  doChangeKeyBoardFocus(Point mouseXY)
  Rect portRect;


    gCurrentRect = gEditText1Rect;
  else if(PtInRect(mouseXY,&gEditText2Rect))
    gCurrentRect = gEditText2Rect;
  else if(PtInRect(mouseXY,&gListBoxRect))
    gCurrentRect = gListBoxRect;


// *********************************************************************** doGetDepthAndDevice

void doGetDepthAndDevice(void)
  GDHandle deviceHdl;

  deviceHdl = GetMainDevice();
  gPixelDepth = (*(*deviceHdl)->gdPMap)->pixelSize;
  if(((1 << gdDevType) & (*deviceHdl)->gdFlags) != 0)
    gIsColourDevice = true;

// *******************************************************************************************

Demonstration Program Appearance Comments

When this program is run, the user should:

o With the "Drawing With Primitives" window frontmost, click in the edit text frame not
  currently outlined with the keyboard focus frame, or in the list box frame, so as to move the
  keyboard focus frame to that rectangle.

o Click on the desktop to send the application to the background and note the changed
  appearance of the frames and text in the "Drawing With Primitives" window.  On Mac OS 8/9,
  note also that there is no change to the appearance of the content region of the "List Views"
  window.  On Mac OS X, note the changed appearance of the text in the "Theme Text" window. 
  Click on the "Drawing With Primitives" window to bring the application to the foreground with
  that window active, noting the changed appearance of the frames and text.  Click on the
  "Theme Text" window to make it active and note the changed appearance of the text.

o On Mac OS 8/9, Choose Show Balloons from the Help menu and move the cursor over the frames in
  the window titled "Drawing With Primitives" window (when active), and the left and right 
  sides of the window titled "List Views" (when active), noting the descriptions
  in the balloons.

In the following, reference is made to graphics devices and pixel depth.  Graphics devices and
pixel depth are explained at Chapter 11.

Global Variables

gWindowRef1 and gWindowRef2 will be assigned references to window objects.

gPixelDepth will be assigned the pixel depth of the main device (screen).  gIsColourDevice will
be assigned true if the graphics device is a colour device and false if it is a monochrome
device.  The values in these two variables are required by certain Appearance Manager

gCurrentRect will be assigned the rectangle which is to be the current target for the keyboard
focus frame.  gEditText1Rect, gEditText2Rect, and gListBoxRect are assigned the rectangles for
the two edit text frames and the list box frame.


After each window is created, its graphics port is set as the current port before the port's
font is set.  For the first window's graphics port, if the program is running on Mac OS 8/9,
the Appearance Manager function UseThemeFont is called to set the font to the small system
font.  Otherwise the Font Manager function GetFNum is called to get the font number for
American Typewriter, which is then set as the port's font, at 11 points, by the QuickDraw
functions TextFont and TextSize.  For the second window's graphics port, UseThemeFont is called
to set the font to the small system font.

If the program is running on OS 8/9, SetThemeWindowBackground is called to set a
theme-compliant colour/pattern for the "Drawing With Primitives" window's content area.  This
means that the content area will be automatically repainted with that colour/pattern when
required with no further assistance from the application.  When false is passed in the third
parameter, the content region of the window is not invalidated.  (Passing true in this instance
is not appropriate because the window is not yet showing.)

If the program is running on OS 8/9, doGetDepthAndDevice is called to determine the current
pixel depth of the graphics port, and whether the current graphics device is a colour device,
and assign the results to the global variables gPixelDepth and gIsColourDevice.  These values
are required by certain Appearance Manager functions which, in this program, are not called if
the program is running on Mac OS X.

The next line sets the initial target for the keyboard focus frame.  This is the rectangle used
by the first edit text field frame.


At the mouseDown case, the inContent case within the partCode switch is of relevance to the

If the mouse-down was within the content region of a window, and if that window is not the
front window, SelectWindow is called to bring that window to the front and activate it.

However, if the window is the front window, and if that window is the "Drawing With Primitives"
window, that window's graphics port is set as the current graphics port for drawing, and
doChangeKeyBoardFocus is called.  That function determines whether the mouse-down was within
one of the edit text field frames or the list box frame, and moves the keyboard focus if


Within the doUpdate function, if the window to which the update event relates is the "Drawing
With Primitives" window, if that window is currently the front window, and if the application
is not currently in the background:

o Functions are called to draw the primitives and, on Mac OS 8/9 only, the window header text
  in the active mode.

o DrawThemeFocusRect is called to draw the keyboard focus frame using the rectangle currently
  assigned to the global variable gCurrentRect.

If, however, the "Drawing With Primitives" window is not the front window, the same calls are
made but with the primitives and, on Mac OS 8/9 only, text being drawn in the inactive mode. 
Note that no call is required to erase the keyboard focus frame because this will already have
been erased when the window was deactivated (see below).

If the window to which the update event relates is the "List Views" window, doDrawListViewOn9
is called to draw the window's content area.  Note that, for this window, there is no
differentiation between active and inactive modes.  This is because, for list views, the same
brush type constants are used regardless of whether the window is active or inactive.


When an activate event is received for the "Drawing With Primitives" window, functions are
called to draw the primitives and, on Mac OS 8/9 only, the window header text.  In addition, an
Appearance Manager function which draws and erases the keyboard focus rectangle is called.  The
value passed in the becomingActive parameter of these calls ensures ensure that, firstly, the
primitives and text are drawn in the appropriate mode and, secondly, the keyboard focus frame
is either drawn or erased, depending on whether the window is coming to the front or being sent
to the back.

If the activate event is for the first window and the program is running on Mac OS X,
doDrawThemeTextOnX is called to draw some text in the window in either the active or inactive


doDrawAppearancePrimitives uses Appearance Manager functions for drawing Appearance primitives,
and is called to draw the various frames in the "Drawing With Primitives" window.  The mode in
which the primitives are drawn (active or inactive) is determined by the Boolean value passed
in the inState parameter.


doDrawThemeCompliantTextOn9, which is called only if the program is running on Mac OS 8/9, draw
some advisory text in the window header of the "Drawing With Primitives" window.  The QuickDraw
drawing function DrawString does the drawing; however, before the drawing begins, the
Appearance Manager function SetThemeTextColor is used to set the foreground colour for drawing
text, in either the active or inactive modes, so as to comply with the Platinum appearance.

At the first two lines, if "Drawing With Primitives" is the active window, SetThemeTextColor is
called with the kThemeTextColorWindowHeaderActive text colour constant passed in the first
parameter.  At the next two lines, if the window is inactive, SetThemeTextColor is called with
kThemeTextColorWindowHeaderInactive passed in the first parameter.  Note that SetThemeTextColor
requires the pixel depth of the graphics port, and whether the graphics device is a colour
device or a monochrome device, passed in the second and third parameters.

The next four lines simply adjust QuickDraw's pen location so that the text is drawn centered
laterally in the window header frame.  The call to DrawString draws the specified text.


doDrawListViewOn9, which  is called only if the program is running on Mac OS 8/9, draws a list
view background in the specified window.

The first line copies the window's port rectangle to a local variable of type Rect.

The call to SetThemeBackground sets the background colour/pattern to the colour/pattern
represented by the theme-compliant brush type constant kThemeBrushListViewBackground.  The
QuickDraw function EraseRect fills the whole of the port rectangle with this colour/pattern.

The next line adjusts the Rect variable's left field so that the rectangle now represents the
right half of the port rectangle.  The same drawing process is then repeated, but this time
with kThemeBrushListViewSortColumnBackground passed in the first parameter of the
SetThemeBackground call.

SetThemePen is then called with the colour/pattern represented by the constant
kThemeBrushListViewSeparator passed in the first parameter.  The rectangle for drawing is then
expanded to equate with the port rectangle before the following five lines draw one-pixel-wide
horizontal lines, at 18-pixel intervals, from the top to the bottom of the port rectangle.

Finally, some text is drawn in the list view in the theme-compliant colour for list views. 
SetThemeTextColour is called with the kThemeTextColorListView passed in, following which a for
loop draws some text, at 18-pixel intervals, from the top to the bottom of the port rectangle.


doDrawThemeTextOnX is called only if the program is running on Mac OS X.  It draws anti-aliased
text in the first window.

GetWindowPortBounds is called to copy the port rectangle to a local variable of type Rect. 
EraseRect is then called to erase the port rectangle, a necessary precursor to drawing over
existing anti-aliased text on Mac OS X using the Appearance Manager function DrawThemeTextBox.

As was done in the function doDrawThemeCompliantTextOn9, SetThemeTextColor could be used here
to set the text colour according to the value received in the inState formal parameter. 
However, in this instance the alternative of calling TextMode is used.  The so-called transfer
modes passed in the calls to TextMode are explained at Chapter 12.  srcOr is the default
transfer mode for text, and causes the colour of the glyph (the visual representation of a
character) to be determined by the graphics port's foreground colour.  The non-standard mode
grayishTextOr is used to draw text in the deactivated state.

Before each call to DrawThemeTextBox, SetRect is called to adjust the top and bottom fields of
the Rect variable portRect.  This controls the vertical positioning of the text in the window,
being passed in DrawThemeTextBox's inBoundingBox parameter.  teJustCenter is passed in
DrawThemeTextBox's inJust parameter to cause the text to be centre-justified within the
rectangle.  The Appearance Manager constants passed in the inFontID parameter determine the
size and style of the drawn text.

At the last block, a string is retrieved from a 'STR#' Resource.  After being converted to a
CFString, that string is drawn by DrawThemeTextBox in the bottom of the window.  Note that
kThemeCurrentPort passed in the inFontID parameter so as to cause the text to be drawn using
the window's graphics port font, which was set in main.


doChangeKeyBoardFocus is called when a mouse-down occurs in the content region of the "Drawing
With Primitives" window.

At the first two lines, Appearance Manager functions are used to, firstly, erase the keyboard
focus frame from the rectangle around which it is currently drawn and, secondly, redraw an edit
text field frame around that rectangle.

The call to GlobalToLocal converts the coordinates of the mouse-down to the local coordinates
required by the following calls to PtInRect.  PtInRect returns true if the mouse-down is within
the rectangle passed in the second parameter.  If one of the calls to PtInRect returns true,
that rectangle is made the current rectangle for keyboard focus by assigning it to the global
variable gCurrentRect.

The call to InvalWindowRect ensures that the keyboard focus frame will be drawn by the call to
DrawThemeFocusRect in the function doUpdate.


doGetDepthAndDevice determines the pixel depth of the graphics port, and whether the graphics
device is a colour device or a monochrome device, and assigns the results to two global
variables.  This information is required by the Appearance Manager functions SetThemeTextColor,
SetThemeBackground, and SetThemePen.

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