June 30, 2003

Omikron Basic 7.5 (Beta) for Mac OS X

The programming language Omikron Basic for Apple PowerMac is now
available as beta version 7.5.

It is now possible to use the control word COMPILER "Carbon"
to compile programs in such a way that they run native under Mac OS X.
However, most programs do not need to be modified to still benefit
from the new functionality. Only the Extension Library and the EasyGem
Library have to be replaced with the latest versions. Only direct
operating system calls integrated into the program manually have to be
checked for Mac OS X compatibility. Of course, the new version still
generates classic applications as well, if required.

In addition to the two compiler control words COMPILER "Carbon"
and COMPILER "Classic" the new BASIC command CALLR has been
added as well. The new command may be used to effectively call
assembler routines such as the ones directly integrated in BASIC
programs with the Assembler Library because all parameters are passed
in registers.

Omikron Basic 7.5 prices start at $53 for the lite download version.
The professional version costs $143 and is supplied on CD. Registered
owners of Omikron Basic 7 can upgrade free of charge. Registered
owners of Omikron Basic 6 can upgrade at a discount.

Omikron Basic 7.5 requires System 8.6 and 12 MB of available

More Information about Omikron Basic is available at

A free demo version can be downloaded from

Or download the demo file (8 MB) directly by pointing your browser at:

If you have any additional questions concerning this press release
please contact me at
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Best regards
Birke Schreiber
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