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List drag
Volume Number:9
Issue Number:6
Column Tag:Pascal Workshop

Related Info: List Manager Quickdraw

Start Dragging My Lists Around

Here’s a way to drag items from one list to another

By Eric Rosé, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.

About the author

Eric Rosé has a BS in Computer Science, is recently married, and is now trying to escape from a Masters program in Electrical and Computer Engineering so that he can get back to hacking Macintosh code.

A Question of Style

Anyone who has used the Font/DA Mover has probably experienced some degree of frustration in the clumsiness of having to select an item in the list, then click on a button to move or delete it. Trying to use this interface in a situation where you have more than two lists and could drag to and remove items from any one of them would quickly lead to a bewildering profusion of buttons which would leave even the hardiest user gasping for breath (besides being annoying to code up).

If you have seen the AppleShare Administrator you know that there is a more elegant and more intuitive way to handle this problem: simply allow the user to click on an object in a list and drag it into another list. For months I tried to find out if anyone had written up a TechNote on how to do this; failing to find one, I decided to roll my own solution. Here it is.

The Creeping Feature Creature

To do simple dragging between two lists, all you really need is a moderately complex LClikLoop routine (IM IV:266). In the pursuit of a more general and extendable solution to the problem, I decided to write a generic LClikLoop routine and package it in a unit which the programmer could customize. Among the features the unit provides are: 1) Letting the user drag from one list to any number of other lists; 2) Programmer-defined actions to be taken when a user drags items from one list to another list, to that same list, to a region outside of all the lists, and to a region outside the dialog (these actions could be unique for each source and destination list); 3) Different possible dragging options for each list (i.e., you can drag items between A and B, but not within A, but you can only drag items within list B). This third option is included for completeness - it could lead to a lot of confusion if not managed consistently.

Nuts & Bolts

As it stands, the LToLDragUnit provides three interface routines and whatever list variables and constants you want to include. If you want to use the dragging LClikLoop, you should define all of your ListHandle variables inside the file DragUnitUserDefs.i, and then include LtoLDragUnit in the USES clause for any unit that uses those list variables. I include a constant for each list (generally the dialog item number of the user item in which the list is placed) which I store in the list’s RefCon field so that I can tell the lists apart when I am handed a handle to one. If you have a different method, feel free to not include the constants; LtoLDragUnit does not directly reference any of these constants or variables, but you will most likely have to use them in the routines you define. Anyway, enough idle banter; on to a discussion of the interface routines!


This simple routine should be called once when your program first starts up. All it does is set initial values for the unit’s global variables.


Another simple routine; you should call this whenever you switch from one dialog which uses the LtoLDragUnit to another. For example, if you have two dialogs with draggable lists, whenever one is activated you should call this routine with its dialog pointer.


This is the generic ClikLoop routine. A pointer to it should be stored in the LClikLoop field of any list you want to be ‘draggable’ (see TestDrag.p for examples of how to do this). When it is called, it stores the position where the mouse was clicked, then calls your SetSourceDestLists routine (described later) and promptly exits so that the item you clicked on can be hilighted. If the mouse button is still down, it promptly re-executes and continues with the main body of the routine which performs the following actions: 1) find the selected cell and get its rectangle; 2) Define a LimitRect and SlopRect for use with DragGrayRgn (IM I:294); if the list can only drag within itself, the LimitRect is the List’s view rectangle, otherwise it is the entire dialog; 3) Call DragGrayRgn to let the user drag the item around; 4) Call one of your four action routines depending on where the item was released and which drag options are available.

At this point, mention should be made of DragProc. This routine is responsible for hilighting the list items you pass over so that you know where the item will be inserted when it is released, and whether or not you can insert an item in a particular list. First it checks to see whether you can drag items within the source list. If so, it calls CheckList which hilights the cell in the source list which is underneath the cursor’s current position. Then it checks to see whether you can drag to any other list, and, if so, performs the same actions for each possible destination list.

So What Do You Have To Do?

I hear you cry? In order for the LtoLDragUnit to do anything useful, you must supply five routines - the routines which are declared as forward in the unit’s implementation section. These routines should be defined in the file DragUnitUserProcs.i. I will now discuss each of these routines in detail.


When the user first clicks in a lists (the source list), LtoLClickProc calls this routine so that you can 1) specify which other lists the source list’s items can be dragged into. 2) specify (using the kDragToOwnList, kDragOutside, and kDragToOtherList constants) what kinds of drags can be done with the source list’s items. To specify the destination lists, set gNumDestLists to the number of possible destination lists and store handles to each destination list in the first gNumDestLists entries in the gDestLists array. To specify the kind of drags to perform, set the gDragStyle variable to any combination of the three style constants (they can be added together to provide multiple effects).


This routine is called when kDragToOtherList is set and the user has dragged an item from the source list and released it over one of the destination lists. You are given a handle to the source and destination lists, along with the coordinates of the cell being dragged and the cell it was released over. What you do with that information is purely up to you.


This routine is called when kDragToOwnList is set and the user has successfully dragged an item within the source list. You are given a handle to the source list, along with the coordinates of the cell being dragged and the cell it was released over. Again, what happens is for you to decide.


This routine is called only if kDragOutside is set and 1) If kDragToOwnList is not set and the user drags an item from the source list back into itself; 2) If the item is released over a list which is not specified as a destination list in the SetSourceDestLists routine, or 3) If the item is not released over a list at all.


This routine is called in two different cases: 1) If kDragToOwnList is set and the item is released outside of the source list, or 2) If kDragToOwnList is not set and the item is dragged outside of the dialog.

A Contrived Example

The source code in the file TestDrag.p presents an example of how to use the LtoLDragUnit routines (albeit in an extremely contrived way). It creates a modal dialog with three list variables. Items can be dragged from List1 to either List2 or List3, but not back into List1. Items from List2 can be dragged either into List2 or List3. Items from List3 can be dragged to either List1 or List2, but not back into List3. Items from all three of these lists can be dragged ‘outside’. For the purposes of this example, I have defined the meanings of the four action routines as follows: 1) DragToDestAction: insert the item from the source list into the destination list at the position where it was released, pushing the item already there down one row; 2) DragToSourceAction: swap the item being dragged with the item it was released over; 3) DragOutsideAction: delete the item being dragged from the source list; 4) BadDragAction: beep at the user to let them know they messed up, but don’t affect any of the lists.

Future Enhancements

Using your own LClikLoop means that the automatic scrolling provided by the default loop is deactivated; in other words, you can’t click in the list and then scroll it up or down by dragging inside the list with the mouse button held down. It might be nice to figure out how to add this feature, especially for a list with the kDragToOwnList feature set. Another interesting feature would be to be able to cause the destination lists to scroll up or down when you drag over them. A warning: LAutoScroll is rude enough to not save the penstate before it scrolls, so if you don’t manually save and restore the penstate before scrolling you get some very fascinating update problems with DragGrayRgn. Feel free to experiment, and please let me know if you find solutions to either of these problems. Good hacking to you all!

Listing:  LtoLDragUnit.p
{This unit lets you implement dragging items}
{between lists}
UNIT LToLDragUnit;


 MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, PackIntf;

 {Initialize the unit’s global variables}

 PROCEDURE SetDragEnvironment (DestDialog :
 {Call this procedure when you switch dialogs}

 {The ‘item dragging’ Clickproc}

{$i DragUnitUserDefs.i}

 gSourceList: ListHandle;
 gDestLists : ARRAY [1..10] OF ListHandle;
 gNumDestLists : Integer;
 gTheDialog : DialogPtr;
 gDragStyle : Integer;
 AnchorDefined : BOOLEAN;
 NextPoint  : Point;

 kDragToOwnList  = $01;
 kDragToOtherList= $02;
 kDragOutside    = $04;
 kInvalidDrag    = $8000;
 kMaxDestLists   = 10;

{The following routines should be defined by}
{the programmer in DragUnitUserProcs.i}
PROCEDURE DragToDestAction (SourceList : ListHandle;
 SourceCell : Point; DestList : 
 ListHandle; DestCell : Point);  FORWARD;
{action to take if the user drags an item from}
{the source list to the destination list}

PROCEDURE DragToSourceAction (SourceList :
 ListHandle; SourceCell, DestCell : Point);   FORWARD;
{action to be taken if the user drags an item}
{within the source list}

PROCEDURE BadDragAction (SourceList :
 ListHandle; SourceCell : Point);  FORWARD;
{action to be taken if the user drags an item}
{and releases it outside the draggable area}

PROCEDURE DragOutsideAction (SourceList :
 ListHandle; SourceCell : Point);  FORWARD;
{action to be taken if the user drags an item}
{and releases it within the draggable area, but}
{not inside of any of the lists}

PROCEDURE SetSourceDestLists (ClickPt : Point); FORWARD;
{For the selected list, define which lists its}
{items can be dragged to, and what kind of drags}
{can be performed}}


 i : Integer;
 SetPt(AnchorPoint, 0, 0);
 AnchorDefined := FALSE;
 OldPoint := AnchorPoint;
 NextPoint := AnchorPoint;
 gSourceList := NIL;
 FOR i := 1 TO kMaxDestLists DO
 gDestLists[i] := NIL;
 gNumdestLists := 0;


PROCEDURE SetDragEnvironment (DestDialog :   DialogPtr);
 gTheDialog := DestDialog;

FUNCTION FindCell(VAR Selected_Cell :
 Point; TheList : ListHandle) : BOOLEAN;
{Return the currently selected cell in TheList}
 SetPt(Selected_Cell, 0, 0);
 FindCell:= LGetSelect(TRUE,
 Selected_Cell, TheList);


 CanDragToSelf := BAND(kDragToOwnList,
 gDragStyle) > 0;


 CanDragToOther := BAND(kDragToOtherList,
 gDragStyle) > 0 


 CanDragOutside := BAND(kDragOutSide, gDragStyle) > 0;


 MPos   : Point;
 WhichCell: Point;
 TempRect : Rect;
 i : Integer;

 PROCEDURE CheckOtherList(TheList:ListHandle);
 IF TheList = NIL THEN
 TempRect := TheList^^.rView;
 IF PtInRect(MPos, TempRect) THEN
 MPos.v := ((MPos.v - TempRect.Top) DIV 
 TheList^^.CellSize.v) +
 MPos.h := 0;
 IF FindCell(WhichCell, TheList) THEN
 IF NOT(EqualPt(WhichCell, MPos)) THEN
 LSetSelect (FALSE, WhichCell, TheList);
 LSetSelect (TRUE, MPos, TheList);
 END; {equalpt}
 END  {FindCell}
 LSetSelect (TRUE, MPos, TheList);
 END; {PtInRect}

 IF CanDragToSelf THEN
 TempRect := gSourceList^^.rView;
 IF PtInRect(MPos, TempRect) THEN
 MPos.v := ((MPos.v - TempRect.Top) DIV
 gSourceList^^.CellSize.v) + 
 MPos.h := 0;
 IF FindCell(WhichCell, gSourceList) THEN
 IF NOT(EqualPt(WhichCell, MPos)) THEN
 LSetSelect (TRUE, MPos, gSourceList);
 END; {equalpt}
 END  {FindCell}
 LSetSelect (TRUE, MPos, gSourceList);
 END; {PtInRect}
 END; {DragProc}

 IF CanDragToOther THEN
 FOR i := 1 TO gNumDestLists DO

 R : RgnHandle;
 OldState : PenState;
 TT, L  : LongInt;
 SelectedCell  : Point;
 CellRect : Rect;
 SlopRect   : Rect;
 i : Integer;
 TempRect : Rect;
 LtoLClickProc := TRUE; 
 IF NOT(AnchorDefined) THEN
 AnchorDefined := TRUE; {store the point where}
 GetMouse(AnchorPoint); {we initially clicked }
 {Call this to set the lists we can drag to}
 SetSourceDestLists (AnchorPoint);
 EXIT(LtoLClickProc);{exit here so that}
 END  {the cell will be hilighted}
   AnchorDefined := FALSE;
 IF FindCell(SourceCell, gSourceList) THEN
 LRect(CellRect, SourceCell, gSourceList);
 IF CanDragToSelf & NOT(CanDragToOther) THEN
 SetRect(LimitRect, gSourceList^^.rView.Left +
 (AnchorPoint.h - CellRect.Left),
 gSourceList^^.rView.Top +
 (AnchorPoint.v - CellRect.Top),
 gSourceList^^.rView.Right -
 (CellRect.Right - AnchorPoint.h),
 gSourceList^^.rView.Bottom -
 (CellRect.Bottom - AnchorPoint.v));
 SlopRect := gSourceList^^.rView;
 SetRect(LimitRect, gTheDialog^.PortRect.Left
 + (AnchorPoint.h - CellRect.Left),
 gTheDialog^.PortRect.Top + 
 (AnchorPoint.v - CellRect.Top),
 gTheDialog^.PortRect.Right - 
 (CellRect.Right - AnchorPoint.h),
 gTheDialog^.PortRect.Bottom - 
 (CellRect.Bottom - AnchorPoint.v));
 SlopRect := gTheDialog^.PortRect;
 {now that we have selected a cell, use}
 {DragGrayRgn to drag it around}
 InsetRect (SlopRect, -1, -1);
 R := NewRgn;
 RectRgn(R, CellRect);
 L := DragGrayRgn(R, AnchorPoint, LimitRect,
 SlopRect, noConstraint, @DragProc);
 IF HiWord(L) = kInvalidDrag THEN 
   BadDragAction (gSourceList, SourceCell)
 DestCell.v := AnchorPoint.v + HiWord(L);
 DestCell.h := AnchorPoint.h + LoWord(L);
 IF PtInRect(DestCell, gSourceList^^.rView) &
 CanDragToSelf THEN
 IF FindCell(DestCell, gSourceList) THEN
 DragToSourceAction (gSourceList,
 SourceCell, DestCell);
 IF CanDragToOther THEN
 FOR i := 1 TO gNumDestLists DO
 IF (gDestLists[i] <> NIL) &
 gDestLists[i]^^.rView)) &
 FindCell(DestCell, gDestLists[i])
 DragToDestAction (gSourceList,
 SourceCell, gDestLists[i],
 END; {if FindCell}
 END; {for}
 END; {if CanDragToOther}
 IF CanDragOutSide THEN
 DragOutsideAction (gSourceList, SourceCell);
 END; {else}
 END; {if not kinvaliddrag}
 END; {FindCell}
END;  {LtoLClickProc}

{$i DragUnitUserProcs.i}
listing:  DragActionProcs.i

{This include file contains the action procedures for each of the different 
kinds of drags you can do from one list to another or to itself}

PROCEDURE SetSourceDestLists (ClickPt : Point);
 IF PtInRect(AnchorPoint, gList1^^.RView) THEN
 gSourceList := gList1;
 gDestLists[1] := gList2;
 gDestLists[2] := gList3;
 gNumDestLists := 2;
 gDragStyle := kDragToOtherList + kDragOutside;
 IF PtInRect(ClickPt, gList2^^.RView) THEN
 gSourceList := gList2;
 gDestLists[1] := gList3;
 gNumDestLists := 1;
 gDragStyle := kDragToOtherList +
 kDragToOwnList + kDragOutside;
 IF PtInRect(ClickPt, gList3^^.RView) THEN
 gSourceList := gList3;
 gDestLists[1] := gList1;
 gDestLists[2] := gList2;
 gNumDestLists := 2;
 gDragStyle := kDragToOtherList + kDragOutside;


PROCEDURE DragToDestAction (SourceList :
 ListHandle; SourceCell : Point; DestList :
 ListHandle; DestCell : Point);
 STemp : Str255;
 DLen  : Integer;
 DLen := SizeOF(STemp);
 LGetCell(@Stemp, DLen, SourceCell, SourceList);
 DestCell.v := LAddRow (1, DestCell.v, DestList);
 LSetCell (@Stemp, DLen, DestCell, DestList);


PROCEDURE DragToSourceAction (SourceList :
 ListHandle; SourceCell, DestCell : Point);
 STemp, DTemp : Str255;
 SLen, DLen   : Integer;
 DLen := SizeOF(STemp); SLen := SizeOF(STemp);
 LGetCell (@STemp, SLen, SourceCell, SourceList);
 LGetCell (@DTemp, DLen, DestCell, SourceList);
 LSetCell (@STemp, SLen, DestCell, SourceList);
 LSetCell (@DTemp, DLen, SourceCell, SourceList);


PROCEDURE BadDragAction (SourceList :
 ListHandle; SourceCell : Point);


PROCEDURE DragOutsideAction (SourceList :
 ListHandle; SourceCell : Point);
 LDelRow (1, SourceCell.v, SourceList);

File DragUnitUserDefs.p

 gList1, gList2, gList3 : ListHandle;

 U_List1= 3;
 U_List2= 2;
 U_List3= 5;

listing:  TestDrag.p

 MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, PackIntf,

 kDialogID= 128;
 B_OK   = 1;
 kReturn= 13;
 kEnter = 3;
 kInvalidDrag =   $8000;
 gDragDialog: DialogPtr;
 ExitDialog : BOOLEAN;


FUNCTION FindCell(VAR Selected_Cell : Point;
 TheList : ListHandle) : BOOLEAN; 
 SetPt(Selected_Cell, 0, 0);
 FindCell:= LGetSelect(TRUE, Selected_Cell, TheList);


PROCEDURE AddListString(theString:Str255; VAR
 theList:ListHandle; AddWhere : Integer); 
{This is a routine used to add strings to an }
{existing list} 
 cSize  : Point;
 Whichcell: Point;
 IF (theList <> NIL) THEN 
 cSize.h := 0; 
 cSize.v := LAddRow(1, AddWhere, theList);
 LSetCell(@TheString[1], length(TheString),
 cSize, theList);
 LDraw(cSize, theList); {Draw the new string}

PROCEDURE DrawList (TheWindow : WindowPtr;
 TheItem : Integer);
{Draw/Update the list which is connected to}
{the useritem TheItem} 
 TempRect : Rect;
 DType  : Integer;
 DItem  : Handle;
 IF gDragDialog = NIL THEN EXIT(DrawList);
 GetDItem(gDragDialog, TheItem, DType, DItem, tempRect);
 InsetRect(TempRect, -1, -1);
 CASE TheItem OF
 U_List1:LUpdate(gDragDialog^.VisRgn, gList1);
 U_List2:LUpdate(gDragDialog^.VisRgn, gList2);
 U_List3:LUpdate(gDragDialog^.VisRgn, gList3);


PROCEDURE MakeList (WhichList : Integer; VAR
  ListVar : ListHandle);
 DType  : Integer;
 DItem  : Handle;
 DBounds: Rect;
 CSize  : Point;
 GetDItem (gDragDialog, WhichList, DType, DItem, RView);
 SetRect(DBounds, 0, 0, 1, 0);
 SetPt(CSize, RView.Right - RView.Left, 16);
 ListVar := LNew (RView, DBounds, CSize, 0,
 gDragDialog, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
 ListVar^^.lClikLoop := ProcPtr(@LtoLClickProc);
 ListVar^^.RefCon := WhichList;
 SetDItem(gDragDialog, WhichList, DType,
 Handle(@DrawList), RView);


FUNCTION DetectListClick (VAR TheList :
 ListHandle; TheEvent : EventRecord) : BOOLEAN;
{Detect clicks in a list}
 MyPt : Point;
 DetectListClick := FALSE;
 IF TheList=NIL THEN EXIT(DetectListClick);
 MyPt := theEvent.where;
 DetectListClick := LClick(myPt,
 theEvent.modifiers, TheList);
END;  {procedure}


FUNCTION MyFilter (theDialog : DialogPtr; VAR
 theEvent : EventRecord; VAR itemHit : integer) : BOOLEAN;
{catch clicks in the lists or ‘ok’ equivalents}
 chCode : Integer;
 MyFilter := FALSE;
 CASE theEvent.what OF
   KeyDown, AutoKey :
 WITH theEvent DO
 chCode := BitAnd(message, CharCodeMask);
 IF (chCode = kEnter) | (chCode = kReturn)
   ExitDialog := TRUE;
 END; {with}
 MouseDown :
 MyFilter:=DetectListClick(gList1,TheEvent) |
  DetectListClick(gList2,TheEvent) |
 END; {case}
END;  {MyFilter}


 TempRect : Rect;
 SavePort : GrafPtr;
 ItemHit: Integer;
 i : Integer;
 FUNCTION ToStr (tempint : LongInt) : Str255;
 Tempstr : Str255;
 NumToString(tempint, tempstr);
 ToStr := tempstr;
 ExitDialog := FALSE;
 SetRect (TempRect, 100, 100, 400, 400);
 gDragDialog := GetNewDialog (kDialogID, NIL, WindowPtr(-1));
 IF gDragDialog = NIL THEN EXIT (DoDragDialog);
 MakeList (U_List1, gList1);
 MakeList (U_List2, gList2);
 MakeList (U_List3, gList3);
 LDoDraw(FALSE, gList1);
 LDoDraw(FALSE, gList2);
 LDoDraw(FALSE, gList3);
 FOR i := 1 to 20 DO
 AddListString(Concat(‘List 1, # ‘,ToStr(i)), gList1, i);
 AddListString(Concat(‘List 2, # ‘,ToStr(i)), gList2, i);
 AddListString(Concat(‘List 3, # ‘,ToStr(i)), gList3, i);
 LDoDraw(TRUE, gList1);
 LDoDraw(TRUE, gList2);
 LDoDraw(TRUE, gList3);
 SetDragEnvironment (gDragDialog);

 ModalDialog(@MyFilter, itemHit);
 IF ItemHit = B_OK THEN ExitDialog := TRUE;
 UNTIL ExitDialog;


PROCEDURE Initialize;
 Flushevents(everyevent, 0);
 gDragDialog := NIL;


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