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Volume Number:7
Issue Number:1
Column Tag:BASIC School

Related Info: Menu Manager

Menus in QuickBASIC

By Steven Leach, Santa Clara, CA

Using MENU Resources in Microsoft QuickBASIC

Now that Microsoft has released QuickBASIC for the Macintosh it has become possible to access the entire Macintosh ROM using the ToolBox call. This article describes the use of these ToolBox calls to utilize MENU resources. This use is not described at all in the QuickBASIC manual, nor in any of the example programs that are supplied with QuickBASIC. I have supplied actual tested code, that will allow you to see how each of the routines are used, and will describe the pitfalls that await the user of these calls.

Warning!! This type of programming is not for the faint of heart, make any mistakes, and the best you can expect is that nothing happens. The more likely result of not following the rules that I describe later is an instant bomb, and the need for a manual reset using the programmer’s switch. You may be asking yourself at this point why should I go to all this trouble when QuickBASIC gives me the MENU functions to perform these operations already? My answer is no reason at all unless you want to follow the Macintosh interface guidelines, put icons in your menus, or access the full power of the Macintosh menu system.

Resource Rules

Before I describe the routines and how to use them let me state the rules of using these calls, and how to avoid problems. I will also describe some of the resources that I will discuss.

The following rules apply only if you are going to use your routines in the interpreter mode of QuickBASIC

1) Never use a MENU resource that has the same ID number as one of the QuickBASIC MENU resources, or the same MenuID as QuickBASIC. This means that the resource ID’s of your MENU resources should not be in the range 256-262 , and the number of the MenuID should not be in the range of 1-7. This last number is the one that is returned in the function MENU(0). The first number is the unique ID that is seen when you open up the MENU resource inside ResEdit.

2) Never use a DLOG resource that has the same ID number as one of the DLOG resources used by QuickBASIC. That means that dialog boxes that you use in your program should not have a resource ID number in the range 128-145. The reason for this is that if you need to perform a search and your DLOG resource has the same ID number as the search DLOG, your dialog box will be shown not the one that QuickBASIC uses for searching. As you can imagine this can cause all sorts of problems, and funny situations.

3) Always initialize any and all variables that you use in any ToolBox call. Failure to do so will result in many spectacular bombs. Because of this, and other reasons I suggest that you always save your program before you tell the interpreter to start running the program. If this program is a minor revision and you can keep the changes in your head, then go for it. I always manage somehow.

The following rules apply whether you are using the interpreter or a compiled version of your program.

1)The MENU(0) function will always return one less than the ResEdit MenuID. For example, in my example program, my file menu has a ResEDit MenuID of 10, but the QuickBASIC MENU(0) function returns an ID of 9. This is because QuickBASIC, starts numbering the menus from zero. The MENU(1) function returns the proper code, so no problem here.

2)Do Not remove the open and close braces which I have placed around many of the variables that are referenced in the various ToolBox functions. Without the braces the information is not passed properly, and so you will get nothing but garbage in your menus.

3)If you place these toolbox calls in subroutines be sure to use braces around the same information when you call the subroutine.

4) If you use ICON’s in you MENU resources remember they must be numbered in the range 256-512, and you access them as 1,2,.... 255 not by their resource ID. This basically means the number you feed to the ToolBox routines is the icon resource ID - 255.

5) Be sure to transfer the resources over using ResEdit when you compile the application. QuickBasic doesn’t do this for you except for a few resources.

6) Note the subroutines which I have provided to convert from BASIC variable to Pascal variable types the Macintosh ROMs require. These routines are necessary to convert the 4 character resource string that is used in BASIC to the 4 byte variable that is used by the Macintosh ROM. The other routines convert the style string that is customarily used in the resource compilers into an integer that is compatible with the Macintosh ROM and vice versa. Also note the intermittent use of the BASIC SADD function in order to send the address of a string variable to the ROM routine, in some cases using the SADD function is deadly. I have experimented with all these routines on a Mac Plus, Mac SE and a Mac II to make sure they work properly. The lesson is change them at your own risk.

The Calls

Those are the “rules” to follow, if you follow them diligently all will be well, if you don’t; good luck. Now for a description of the Calls and what they can be used for. In each of the QuickBASIC calls you must specify the type of return if any by using a single or double letter code. As you can see from the listing only four of the functions associated with Menus return a value, in most cases a handle to a menu, in the other case an integer number corresponding to the number of items in the menu. I have used a “Q” following each function in order to disable the argument checking function that is built into QuickBASIC. If you wish you may use the specially converted ResEdit that is supplied with the QuickBASIC to create argument checking functions for each of these calls.

With each of the functions I have provided a Trap value that is used to call the particular ROM routine, an example template of the ToolBox call, and the argument checking template that can be inputted using the QuickBASIC converted ResEdit. At this point I would like to thank Stephen Chernicoff the author of Macintosh Revealed, which I used extensively, and of course the authors and editors of Inside Macintosh.

The example program I have included starts off by reading the MENU resources from it’s own resource fork, and then sets up a processing loop to perform the various functions when the user selects an item from the function menu. I don’t perform any cut,copy paste so I just trap this function and print out the choice you made. The Graph Menu and File Menus show some of the reasons you may decide that using resource MENU’s instead of application built ones are more fun and just as easy to use.

By using the function provided in the Function Menu you can change any of the current menus,load another resource menu that you have created in ResEdit, or create a new menu and add items to it. This simple program does not allow you to save your work, although you could change the File Menu to include a save function and then use the WriteRes or AddRes functions that are described in the QuickBASIC manual.

The general procedure that I have implemented in using these functions in any of my QuickBASIC programs is as follows:

1) Create a BASIC program with a minimal amount of code to act as a holding place for the resources.

2) Use ResEDit to create the necessary resources in that QuickBASIC file. Remembering to write down the Resource ID numbers and other ID’s. For example, in the dialog boxes I use to prompt the user for information to feed the ToolBox calls, I must specifically reference each element by number.

3) Save my work when ResEdit asks me to save the work I have done.

4) Use the ToolBox functions instead of the BASIC Menu functions to change the state and look of the menus. If you try to use the QuickBASIC Menu function, to change any of the menus you have brought in as resources you will only cause problems for yourself. It’s OK to use the MENU(0) and MENU(1) functions to determine which menus the user has selected.

REM Define function to get MenuID from MenuHandle that is in memory
    DEF FN GetMenuID(MenuHandle&) = PEEKW(PEEKL(MenuHandle&))

REM initialize QuickBASIC toolBox routines This is a must !!!!
ToolBox “I”

REM these are the Toolbox Trap values and examples of how to use the 
ToolBox calls
REM I have also included the Values for the MTBS resource template for 
error checking
REM In that case you can elect not to put in the Q i.e. use “P” not “PQ”

ReleaseResource% = &HA9A3 
REM ToolBox “PQ”,ReleaseResource%,(MenuHandle&)
DrawMenuBar% = &HA937
REM ToolBox “PQ”,DrawMenuBar%
NewMenu% = &HA931
REM ToolBox “LQ”,NewMenu%,(MenuID%),SADD(Pascal.MenuTitle$),MenuHandle&
GetMenu% = &HA9BF
REM ToolBox “LQ”,GetMenu%,(MenuRsrcID%),MenuHandle&
DisposeMenu% = &HA932
REM  ToolBox “PQ”,DisposeMenu%,(MenuHandle&)
InsertMenu% = &H935
REM ToolBox “PQ”,InsertMenu%, (MenuHandle&),(beforeID%)
ClearMenuBar% = &HA934
REM ToolBox “PQ”,ClearMenuBar%
AppendMenu% = &HA933
REM ToolBox “PQ”,AppendMenu%,(MenuHandle&),SADD(Pascal.defString$)
AddResMenu% = &HA94D
REM ToolBox “PQ”,AddResMenu%,(MenuHandle&),(ResType&)
InsertResMenu% = &HA951
REM ToolBox “PQ”,InsertResMenu%,(MenuHandle&),(ResType&),(afterItem%)
CountMItems%  = &HA950
REM ToolBox “WQ”,CountMItems%,(MenuHandle&),NMenuItems%
DeleteMenu% = &HA936
REM ToolBox “PQ”,DeleteMenu%,(MenuID%)
GetMHandle% = &HA949
REM ToolBox “LQ”,GetMHandle%,(MenuID%),MenuHandle&
SetItem% = &HA947
REM ToolBox “PQ”,SetItem%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%),SADD(Pascal.itemString$)
GetItem% = &HA946
REM  ToolBox “PQ”,GetItem%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%),itemString$
DisableItem% = &HA93A
REM ToolBox “PQ”,DisableItem%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%)
EnableItem% = &HA939
REM ToolBox “PQ”,EnableItem%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%)
SetItemStyle% = &HA942
REM ToolBox “PQ”,SetItemStyle%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%),(theStyle%)
GetItemStyle% = &HA941
REM ToolBox “PQ”,GetItemStyle%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%),theStyle%
CheckItem% = &HA945
REM ToolBox “PQ”,CheckItem%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%),(Checked%) ( 0,1)
SetItemMark% = &HA944
REM ToolBox “PQ”,SetItemMark%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%),(markChar%)
GetItemMark% = &HA943
REM ToolBox “PQ”,GetItemMark%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%),markChar%
SetItemIcon% = &HA940
REM ToolBox “PQ”,SetItemIcon%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%),(iconNum%)
GetItemIcon% = &HA93F
REM ToolBox “PQ”,GetItemIcon%,(MenuHandle&),(theItem%),iconNum%
SetMenuFlash% = &HA94A
REM ToolBox “PQ”,SetMenuFlash%,(flashCount%)
FlashMenuBar% = &HA94C
REM ToolBox “PQ”,FlashMenuBar%,(MenuID%)

True% = (1<2)
False% = (1>2)

REM Initialize some variables and arrays that are used to keep track 
of the Menus, and their states
res.ref% = 0
DIM MenuHandle&(10),ResMenu%(10),MenuID%(10)
ResType& = 0&
Dialog.Hnd& = 0&
tMenuHandle& = 0&
Num.of.Menu% = 5

res.ref% = SYSTEM(7)

REM Delete File and Edit Menu that QuickBASIC pout up when you are using 
the interpretor
REM Remove these lines if you complie the program with the No Default 
Menus Option.
ToolBox “PQ”,DeleteMenu%,(2)
ToolBox “PQ”,DeleteMenu%,(3)

REM Load in my resource Menus that included in this BASIC program
FOR indx% = 0 TO Num.of.Menu%-1
    MenuRsrcID% = 263+indx%
    ToolBox “LQ”,GetMenu%,(MenuRsrcID%),tMenuHandle&
    IF (tMenuHandle& > 0) THEN
        MenuHandle&(indx%+1) = tMenuHandle&
        ToolBox “PQ”,InsertMenu%, (MenuHandle&(indx%+1)),(0)
        ResMenu%(indx%+1) = True%
        MenuID%(indx%+1) = FN GetMenuID(MenuHandle&(indx%+1))
        PRINT  indx% “Has an invalid Menu handle “
    END IF

REM now that all the MENU resources are in memory Draw the Menu Bar to 
show them.
ToolBox “PQ”,DrawMenuBar%

REM This is the Main processing loop that checks for Menu activity
Quit% = False%

    Menu0 = MENU(0)+1
    menu1 = MENU(1)
    IF (Menu0 >=10 ) THEN
        ON Menu0 - MenuID%(1)+1 GOSUB FileMenu,EditMenu,menu1,Menu2,Menu3
        PRINT Menu0,MENU(1)
    END IF

REM Dispose of all menu handles to free memory that was allocated by 
program and user
REM Note the use of two forms of memory deallocation
REM One to resource MENU’s and one for menus built from scratch.
FOR indx% = 1 TO Num.of.Menu%
    IF (ResMenu%(indx%)) THEN
        ToolBox “PQ”,ReleaseResource%,(MenuHandle&(indx%))
         ToolBox “PQ”,DisposeMenu%,(MenuHandle&(indx%))
     END IF
ToolBox “PQ”,ClearMenuBar%
REM finally end the program

Quit% = True%



menu1: REM My Icon MENU
PRINT “You have Chosen Menu #”;Menu0; “ Item Number “;menu1

Menu2: REM My Sample Menu and Menu to try the various dialog boxes that 

REM I use TO entry of information
Entry0$ = “Entry 0”
Entry1$ = “Entry 1”
Entry2$ = “Entry 3”
ON MENU(1) GOSUB singleEntry,DoubleEntry,TripleEntry
PRINT “You have Chosen Menu #”;Menu0; “ Item Number “;menu1

Menu3: REM Function Menu
IF (MENU(1) <= 10) THEN
ON MENU(1) GOSUB GetMenu,NewMenu,AppendMenu,AddResMenu,InsertResMenu,DeleteMenu, 
ON MENU(1)-12 GOSUB SetItemStyle,GetItemStyle,CheckItem,SetItemMark,GetItemMark, 

GetMenu: REM Get a MENU resource that is sitting in this file
    IF Num.of.Menu% >= 10 THEN
        PRINT “ You have too many Menus already “
    END IF
    Entry0$ = “ID of MENU resource ?”
    GOSUB singleEntry
    IF (LEN(Entry0$) < 1 ) THEN RETURN
    MenuRsrcID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    tMenuHandle& = 0&
    ToolBox “LQ”,GetMenu%,MenuRsrcID%,tMenuHandle&
    IF (tMenuHandle& <> 0) THEN
        Num.of.Menu% = Num.of.Menu%+1
        MenuHandle&(Num.of.Menu%) = tMenuHandle&
        ResMenu%(Num.of.Menu%) = True%
        MenuID%(Num.of.Menu%) = 10
        ToolBox “PQ”,InsertMenu%, (MenuHandle&(Num.of.Menu%)),(0)
        ToolBox “PQ”,DrawMenuBar%
        PRINT “ Resource was not valid “
    END IF

NewMenu: REM create a whole new menu and append it to the Menu bar
    Entry0$ = “Menu Title ?”
    Entry1$ = “Menu ID% ? “
    GOSUB DoubleEntry
    IF (LEN(Entry0$) < 1) THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry1$)
    FOR indx% = 1 TO Num.of.Menu%
        IF(MenuID%(indx%) = MenuID%) THEN
            PRINT  “The Menu Id Conflicts with a Previous Menu”
        END IF
    Pascal.MenuTitle$ = “”
    B2PStr Entry0$,Pascal.MenuTitle$
    ToolBox “LQ”,NewMenu%,(MenuID%),SADD(Pascal.MenuTitle$),tMenuHandle&
    IF (tMenuHandle& <> 0) THEN
        Num.of.Menu% = Num.of.Menu% +1
        MenuHandle&(Num.of.Menu%) = tMenuHandle&
        ResMenu%(Num.of.Menu%) = False%
        MenuID%(Num.of.Menu%) = MenuID%
        ToolBox “PQ”,InsertMenu%, (tMenuHandle&),(0)
        ToolBox “PQ”,DrawMenuBar%
        PRINT “ The Menu Handle returned was not valid”
    END IF


AppendMenu: REM Append a string to a currently defined menu wether visible 
or not
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
    Entry1$ = “String to Append ?”
    GOSUB DoubleEntry
    IF LEN(Entry0$) <1 THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    Pascal.defString$ = “”
    B2PStr Entry1$,Pascal.defString$
    ToolBox “PQ”,AppendMenu%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),SADD(Pascal.defString$)
    ToolBox “PQ”,DrawMenuBar%

AddResMenu: REM add a menu to the Menu bar that contains the names of 
the resources of the 
REM type specified by User, examples are FONT, DRVR, ICON etc.
    IF (Num.of.Menu% >=10) THEN RETURN
    Entry0$ = “Which Resource to put in Menu “+STR$(Num.of.Menu%+1)
    Entry1$ = “Title of Menu ?”
    Entry2$ = “Menu ID (integer) ?”
    GOSUB TripleEntry
    IF LEN(Entry0$) <1 THEN RETURN
    IF (LEN(Entry0$) < 1 OR LEN(Entry0$) > 4) THEN RETURN
    IF (LEN(Entry1$) < 1) THEN Entry1$ = “Empty”
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry2$)
    Num.of.Menu% = Num.of.Menu%+1
    CALL StringtoResType(Entry0$,ResType&)
    Pascal.MenuTitle$ = “”
    B2PStr Entry1$,Pascal.MenuTitle$
    tMenuHandle& = 0
    ToolBox “LQ”,NewMenu%,(MenuID%),SADD(Pascal.MenuTitle$),tMenuHandle&
    IF (tMenuHandle& <> 0) THEN
        MenuHandle&(Num.of.Menu%) = tMenuHandle&
        ResMenu%(Num.of.Menu%) = False%
        MenuID%(Num.of.Menu%) = MenuID%
        ToolBox “PQ”,AddResMenu%,(tMenuHandle&),(ResType&)
        ToolBox “PQ”,InsertMenu%, (tMenuHandle&),(0)
        ToolBox “PQ”,DrawMenuBar%
        PRINT “ The Menu Handle returned was not valid”
    END IF
InsertResMenu: REM Insert roesource Menu at a place in a currently defined 
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
    Entry1$ = “Which Item to Insert after ?”
    Entry2$ = “Which Resource ?”
    GOSUB TripleEntry
    IF(LEN(Entry0$) < 1) THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    afterItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
    ResType& = 0&
    CALL StringtoResType(Entry2$,ResType&)
    ToolBox “PQ”,InsertResMenu%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)), (ResType&),(afterItem%)

DeleteMenu: REM Delete a currently shown Menu and deallocate the memory 
for it
    Entry0$ = “ID of Menu to Delete ?”
    GOSUB singleEntry
    IF LEN(Entry0$) <1 THEN RETURN
    MenuID% =VAL(Entry0$)
    WhichMenu% = 0
    FOR indx% = 1 TO Num.of.Menu%
        IF MenuID% = MenuID%(indx%) THEN WhichMenu% = indx%
    IF WhichMenu% = 0 THEN RETURN
    ToolBox “PQ”,DeleteMenu%,(MenuID%)
    IF (ResMenu%(WhichMenu%)) THEN
        ToolBox “PQ”,ReleaseResource%,(MenuHandle&(WhichMenu%))
         ToolBox “PQ”,DisposeMenu%,(MenuHandle&(WhichMenu%))
     END IF
    PRINT “ Menu “MenuID%” has been deleted”
    FOR indx% = WhichMenu% TO Num.of.Menu%-1
        MenuHandle&(indx%) =MenuHandle&(indx%+1)
    Num.of.Menu% = Num.of.Menu% -1
    ToolBox “PQ”,DrawMenuBar%

GetMenuHandle: REM return the Handle for a currently shown menu
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
    GOSUB singleEntry
    IF (LEN(Entry0$) < 1) THEN RETURN
    tMenuHandle& = 0
    MenuPlace% = VAL(Entry0$)
    ToolBox “LQ”,GetMHandle%,(MenuID%(MenuPlace%)),tMenuHandle&
    PRINT “The Handle for Menu “MenuID% “ is “tMenuHandle&” the ID is 

CountMItems: REM Count the number of items in a currently defined menu
    NMenuItems% = 0
    Entry0$ = “Count Items in Which Menu ?”
    GOSUB singleEntry
    IF LEN(Entry0$) <1 THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    ToolBox “WQ”,CountMItems%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),NMenuItems%
    PRINT  “Number of Menu Items in “;MenuID%;” is “NMenuItems%

SetItem: REM Set the Item string for a currently defined menu
REM you may use all of formating characters permissible in MENU resources
Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
Entry1$ = “Which Item ? “
Entry2$ = “String to change Item to”
GOSUB TripleEntry
MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
theItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
Pascal.itemString$ = “”
B2PStr Entry2$,Pascal.itemString$
ToolBox “PQ”,SetItem%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%), SADD(Pascal.itemString$) 


GetItem: REM Retrieve the item string for a currently defined MENU resource
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
    Entry1$ = “Which Item ?”
    GOSUB DoubleEntry
    IF (LEN(Entry0$) < 1) THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    theItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
    itemString$ = “”
    ToolBox “PQ”,GetItem%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%),itemString$
    PRINT  “The Item “theItem%” in Menu “MenuID%” is “itemString$
DisableItem: REM Disable or Grey out an Item in a currently defined Menu
    Entry0$ = “Disable Which Item ?”
    Entry1$ = “Which Menu ?”
    GOSUB DoubleEntry
    IF LEN(Entry0$) <1 THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry1$)
    theItem% = VAL(Entry0$)
    ToolBox “PQ”,DisableItem%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%)
    PRINT “ Item “theItem%” in Menu # “MenuID% “ was disabled”
EnableItem:REM Enable of make active an item in a currently defined menu
    Entry0$ = “Enable Which Item ?”
    Entry1$ = “Which Menu ?”
    GOSUB DoubleEntry
    IF LEN(Entry0$) <1 THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry1$)
    theItem% = VAL(Entry0$)
    ToolBox “PQ”,EnableItem%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%)
    PRINT “ Item “theItem%” in Menu # “MenuID% “ was enabled”

SetItemStyle: REM Set the style of an item in a currently defined Menu
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
    Entry1$ = “Which Item ?”
    Entry2$ = “The Style String ?”
    GOSUB TripleEntry
    IF(LEN(Entry0$) < 1 ) THEN RETURN
    theStyle% = 0
    CALL StringtoStyle(Entry2$,theStyle%)
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    theItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
    ToolBox “PQ”,SetItemStyle%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%),(theStyle%)

GetItemStyle: REM retrieve the stryle string for a particular item in 
a currently defined Menu
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ? “
    Entry1$ = “Which Item ?”
    GOSUB DoubleEntry
    IF(LEN(Entry0$) < 1) THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    theItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
    theStyle% = 0
    ToolBox “PQ”,GetItemStyle%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%),theStyle%
    CALL StyletoString(StyleString$,theStyle%)
    PRINT “The Style of item “theItem%” in Menu “MenuID%” is “theStyle%”,”StyleString$
 CheckItem:REM Put a check by an item in a currently defined Menu
     Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
     Entry1$ = “Which Item ? “
     Entry2$ = “Check (1) or Uncheck(0) Item ?”
     GOSUB TripleEntry
     IF (LEN(Entry0$) < 1 ) THEN RETURN
     MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
     theItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
     Checked% = 256*ABS(VAL(Entry2$) = 1) ‘ acount for using 2 bytes 
instead on one
     ToolBox “PQ”,CheckItem%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%),(Checked%)
SetItemMark:REM mark a particular item ina currently defined menu
REM  with the character whose ASCII code is given by the user
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
    Entry1$ = “Which Item ?”
    Entry2$ = “What is the mark ASCII code ?”
    GOSUB TripleEntry
    IF LEN(Entry0$) <1 THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    theItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
    markChar% = VAL(Entry2$) ‘ account for use of integer instead of 
single byte
    ToolBox “PQ”,SetItemMark%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%),(markChar%)
    REM markChar% = markChar%/256
    PRINT  “Item “theItem%” of Menu “MenuID%” was marked with “CHR$(markChar%)”,”markChar%

GetItemMark:REM get the Marking character if any 
            REM FOR a particular item in a currently defined MENU
    markChar% = 0
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
    Entry1$ = “Which Item ?”
    GOSUB DoubleEntry
    IF LEN(Entry0$) <1 THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    theItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
    ToolBox “PQ”,GetItemMark%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%),markChar%
    PRINT “The Mark Character for item “ theItem%” in Menu Number “MenuID%” 
is “markChar%”,”CHR$(markChar%)
SetItemIcon: REM Give a particular item in a currently defined Menu an 
ICON that
REM already exists in the resources of this program.
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
    Entry1$ = “Which Item ?”
    Entry2$ = “Resource # of ICON”
    GOSUB TripleEntry
    IF LEN(Entry0$) <1 THEN RETURN
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    theItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
    iconRsrcID% = VAL(Entry2$)
    iconNum% = ABS((iconRsrcID% -256)*(iconRsrcID% > 256))
     ToolBox “PQ”,SetItemIcon%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%),(iconNum%)

GetItemIcon:REM Retrieve the ICON number of a particular item in a currently 
defined Menu
                    REM If there is no ICON it will return 0
    iconNum% = 0
    Entry0$ = “Which Menu ?”
    Entry1$ = “Which Item ? “
    GOSUB DoubleEntry
    MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
    theItem% = VAL(Entry1$)
    ToolBox “PQ”,GetItemIcon%,(MenuHandle&(MenuID%)),(theItem%),iconNum%
    iconRsrcID% = iconNum%+256
    PRINT  “The Icon Number assiciated with Item “theItem%” in Menu “MenuID%” 
is “iconNum%
    PRINT “The resource number of this icon is “iconRsrcID%

FlashMenuBar: REM Flash a Particular Menu, or inver the entire Menu bar
REM if the MenuID is 0 then the entire Menu Bar is inverted
Entry0$ = “Enter Menu ID (integer)”
GOSUB singleEntry
MenuID% = VAL(Entry0$)
ToolBox “PQ”,FlashMenuBar%,(MenuID%)

REM Dialog Box to single additional parameter for calling func
ButtonPushed% = 0
GETNEWDIALOG res.ref%,146,Dialog.Hnd&
SetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,4,Entry0$

ModalDialog Dialog.Hnd&,ButtonPushed%

REM if Cancel Button is pushed then send back nothing
IF ButtonPushed% = 2 THEN
    DisposeDialog Dialog.Hnd&
    Entry0$ = “”

GetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,3,Entry0$

DisposeDialog Dialog.Hnd&

ButtonPushed% = 0
GETNEWDIALOG res.ref%,147,Dialog.Hnd&
SetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,3,Entry0$
SetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,4,Entry1$

ModalDialog Dialog.Hnd&,ButtonPushed%

REM if Cancel Button is pushed then send back nothing
IF ButtonPushed% = 2 THEN
    DisposeDialog Dialog.Hnd&
    Entry0$ = “”
    Entry1$ = “”

GetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,5,Entry0$
GetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,6,Entry1$

DisposeDialog Dialog.Hnd&

ButtonPushed% = 0
GETNEWDIALOG res.ref%,148,Dialog.Hnd&
SetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,3,Entry0$
SetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,4,Entry1$
SetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,5,Entry2$

ModalDialog Dialog.Hnd&,ButtonPushed%

REM if Cancel Button is pushed then send back nothing
IF ButtonPushed% = 2 THEN
    DisposeDialog Dialog.Hnd&
    Entry0$ = “”
    Entry1$ = “”
    Entry2$ = “”

GetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,6,Entry0$
GetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,7,Entry1$
GetDialogText Dialog.Hnd&,8,Entry2$

DisposeDialog Dialog.Hnd&

REM Function to translate a string containing the name of a resource 
REM the 4 byte packed character array that is required by the ROM routines
SUB StringtoResType(bString$,ResType&) STATIC
    IF (LEN(bString$) < 4) THEN EXIT SUB
    ResType& = ASC(RIGHT$(bString$,1))
    ResType& = ResType& + &H100*ASC(MID$(bString$,3,1))
    ResType& = ResType&+&H10000&*ASC(MID$(bString$,2,1))
    ResType& = ResType&+&H1000000&*ASC(LEFT$(bString$,1))

REM Subroutine to convert the Style integer into a string that is understandable 
to us humans
SUB StyletoString(StyleString$,theStyle%) STATIC
    IF (theStyle% = 0) THEN
        StyleString$ = “<P”
        EXIT SUB
    END IF
    StyleString$ = “”
    IF (theStyle% AND 1) THEN StyleString$ =”<B”
    IF (theStyle% AND 2) THEN StyleString$ = StyleString$+”<I”
    IF(theStyle% AND 4) THEN StyleString$ = StyleString$+”<U”
    IF (the Style% AND 8) THEN StyleString$ = StyleString$ +”<O”
    IF(theStyle% AND 16) THEN StyleString$ = StyleString$ +”<S”
    IF(theStyle% AND 32) THEN StyleString$ = StyleString$ +”<C”
    IF(theStyle% AND 64) THEN StyleString$ = StyleString$+”<E”

REM Subroutine to conver the Style String we humans understand into a 
style byte that the ROIM routines want and use
SUB StringtoStyle(StyleString$,theStyle%) STATIC
    IF (LEN(StyleString$) < 2) THEN
        theStyle% = 0
        EXIT SUB
    END IF
    strlen = LEN(StyleString$)
    TmpString$ = LEFT$(StyleString$,2)
    WHILE strlen > 0
        TmpString$ = LEFT$(StyleString$,2)
        IF (TmpString$ = “<P”) THEN theStyle% = 0 : EXIT SUB
        IF (TmpString$ = “<B”) THEN theStyle% = theStyle% OR 1 ‘ Bold 
        IF (TmpString$ = “<I”) THEN theStyle% = theStyle% OR 2 ‘Italic 
        IF (TmpString$ = “<U”) THEN theStyle% = theStyle% OR 4 ‘ Underline 
        IF (TmpString$ = “<O”) THEN theStyle% = theStyle% OR 8 ‘Outline 
        IF (TmpString$ = “<S”) THEN theStyle% = theStyle% OR 16 ‘ Shadow 
        IF (TmpString$ = “<C”) THEN theStyle% = theStyle% OR 32 ‘Condensed 
        IF (TmpString$ = “<E”) THEN theSytle% = theStyle% OR 64 ‘Extended 
        StyleString$ = RIGHT$(StyleString$,LEN(StyleString$)-2)
        strlen = LEN(StyleString$)


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Go from lowly lizard to wicked Wyvern in...
Do you like questing, and do you like dragons? If not then boy is this not the announcement for you, as Loongcheer Game has unveiled Quest Dragon: Idle Mobile Game. Yes, it is amazing Square Enix hasn’t sued them for copyright infringement, but... | Read more »
Aether Gazer unveils Chapter 16 of its m...
After a bit of maintenance, Aether Gazer has released Chapter 16 of its main storyline, titled Night Parade of the Beasts. This big update brings a new character, a special outfit, some special limited-time events, and, of course, an engaging... | Read more »
Challenge those pesky wyverns to a dance...
After recently having you do battle against your foes by wildly flailing Hello Kitty and friends at them, GungHo Online has whipped out another surprising collaboration for Puzzle & Dragons. It is now time to beat your opponents by cha-cha... | Read more »
Pack a magnifying glass and practice you...
Somehow it has already been a year since Torchlight: Infinite launched, and XD Games is celebrating by blending in what sounds like a truly fantastic new update. Fans of Cthulhu rejoice, as Whispering Mist brings some horror elements, and tests... | Read more »
Summon your guild and prepare for war in...
Netmarble is making some pretty big moves with their latest update for Seven Knights Idle Adventure, with a bunch of interesting additions. Two new heroes enter the battle, there are events and bosses abound, and perhaps most interesting, a huge... | Read more »
Make the passage of time your plaything...
While some of us are still waiting for a chance to get our hands on Ash Prime - yes, don’t remind me I could currently buy him this month I’m barely hanging on - Digital Extremes has announced its next anticipated Prime Form for Warframe. Starting... | Read more »
If you can find it and fit through the d...
The holy trinity of amazing company names have come together, to release their equally amazing and adorable mobile game, Hamster Inn. Published by HyperBeard Games, and co-developed by Mum Not Proud and Little Sasquatch Studios, it's time to... | Read more »
Amikin Survival opens for pre-orders on...
Join me on the wonderful trip down the inspiration rabbit hole; much as Palworld seemingly “borrowed” many aspects from the hit Pokemon franchise, it is time for the heavily armed animal survival to also spawn some illegitimate children as Helio... | Read more »
PUBG Mobile teams up with global phenome...
Since launching in 2019, SpyxFamily has exploded to damn near catastrophic popularity, so it was only a matter of time before a mobile game snapped up a collaboration. Enter PUBG Mobile. Until May 12th, players will be able to collect a host of... | Read more »
Embark into the frozen tundra of certain...
Chucklefish, developers of hit action-adventure sandbox game Starbound and owner of one of the cutest logos in gaming, has released their roguelike deck-builder Wildfrost. Created alongside developers Gaziter and Deadpan Games, Wildfrost will... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

13-inch M2 MacBook Airs in stock today at App...
Apple has 13″ M2 MacBook Airs available for only $849 today in their Certified Refurbished store. These are the cheapest M2-powered MacBooks for sale at Apple. Apple’s one-year warranty is included,... Read more
New today at Apple: Series 9 Watches availabl...
Apple is now offering Certified Refurbished Apple Watch Series 9 models on their online store for up to $80 off MSRP, starting at $339. Each Watch includes Apple’s standard one-year warranty, a new... Read more
The latest Apple iPhone deals from wireless c...
We’ve updated our iPhone Price Tracker with the latest carrier deals on Apple’s iPhone 15 family of smartphones as well as previous models including the iPhone 14, 13, 12, 11, and SE. Use our price... Read more
Boost Mobile will sell you an iPhone 11 for $...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering an iPhone 11 for $149.99 when purchased with their $40 Unlimited service plan (12GB of premium data). No trade-in is required... Read more
Free iPhone 15 plus Unlimited service for $60...
Boost Infinite, part of MVNO Boost Mobile using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering a free 128GB iPhone 15 for $60 per month including their Unlimited service plan (30GB of premium data).... Read more
$300 off any new iPhone with service at Red P...
Red Pocket Mobile has new Apple iPhones on sale for $300 off MSRP when you switch and open up a new line of service. Red Pocket Mobile is a nationwide MVNO using all the major wireless carrier... Read more
Clearance 13-inch M1 MacBook Airs available a...
Apple has clearance 13″ M1 MacBook Airs, Certified Refurbished, available for $759 for 8-Core CPU/7-Core GPU/256GB models and $929 for 8-Core CPU/8-Core GPU/512GB models. Apple’s one-year warranty is... Read more
Updated Apple MacBook Price Trackers
Our Apple award-winning MacBook Price Trackers are continually updated with the latest information on prices, bundles, and availability for 16″ and 14″ MacBook Pros along with 13″ and 15″ MacBook... Read more
Every model of Apple’s 13-inch M3 MacBook Air...
Best Buy has Apple 13″ MacBook Airs with M3 CPUs in stock and on sale today for $100 off MSRP. Prices start at $999. Their prices are the lowest currently available for new 13″ M3 MacBook Airs among... Read more
Sunday Sale: Apple iPad Magic Keyboards for 1...
Walmart has Apple Magic Keyboards for 12.9″ iPad Pros, in Black, on sale for $150 off MSRP on their online store. Sale price for online orders only, in-store price may vary. Order online and choose... Read more

Jobs Board

DMR Technician - *Apple* /iOS Systems - Haml...
…relevant point-of-need technology self-help aids are available as appropriate. ** Apple Systems Administration** **:** Develops solutions for supporting, deploying, Read more
Omnichannel Associate - *Apple* Blossom Mal...
Omnichannel Associate - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Read more
Operations Associate - *Apple* Blossom Mall...
Operations Associate - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Read more
Cashier - *Apple* Blossom Mall - JCPenney (...
Cashier - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Blossom Mall Read more
IT Systems Engineer ( *Apple* Platforms) - S...
IT Systems Engineer ( Apple Platforms) at SpaceX Hawthorne, CA SpaceX was founded under the belief that a future where humanity is out exploring the stars is Read more
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