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Self Doc Scripts
Volume Number:6
Issue Number:6
Column Tag:HyperChat™

Almost Self Documenting Scripts

By Tom Trinko, Ph.D., Colleen Trino, Fremont, CA

Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.

Almost Self Documenting HyperTalk™ Scripts

[Tom Trinko, Ph.D., is working on advanced computing systems designs at LMSC. He has worked on machines ranging from PDP-11s to CDC 6600s. Colleen Trinko is currently a full-time mother and a part-time instructional designer at Apple.]

One problem we all have with code is remembering what it does and how it does it. If most of the code we generated were one shot throw-away stuff this wouldn’t be a concern. As the sheer amount of code we have to write increases, however, it becomes more and more difficult to start from scratch. A number of different ways of dealing with the problem have been developed for Mac programmers, such as Prototyper™ or Program Extender™ . The simplest technique is still recycling your own code. After all, you at least know you’ll eventually be able to figure it out!

HyperTalk™ is well structured to support code reuseabilty because of its pseudo object oriented construction. Once you’ve written a handler (on mouseup...end mouseup) to perform a certain function, say make visible all of the hidden objects in a card, there’s no reason you can’t use that same handler in all of your other stacks--or projects if you’re using SuperCard™. The difficulty we encounter is trying to remember which handlers are where and when you find a handler, remembering what it does.

One possible solution to this problem that we’ve developed is to place a description of what each handler does at the beginning of the handler. You could place it at the end of the handler to save a little processing time when the handler is executed but HyperCard really doesn’t take much time to skip over comments. An example handler is shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1:
function linechoosen loc
  --input  x,y location of the mouse click(use the clickloc)
  --output line number clicked on in a scrolling field
  -- This is a generally useful function which takes the clickloc as
  -- input and finds out which line in a scrolling field was clicked 
  put second item of loc into pos
  put pos - the top of the target into pos
  put pos + the scroll of the target into pos
  get the textsize of the target
  put it+trunc(it/3) into size
  put trunc(pos/size)+1 into linehit
  return linehit
end linechoosen

Now this is nice but it still doesn’t help you find where in your 5 Megabyte stack the handler you want resides. That’s where the scripts in Listing 2 come in handy. These scripts, when placed in a button, will do the following: (1) search through a stack and find all of the functions (function name...end name) and all of the handlers that reside in the stack, and (2) place the location, name and all comments that lie between the first line of the handler/function and the first executable line in the handler/function into two variables “functionlist” and “handlerlist”. These two variables are structured as shown in Figure 1. You can place the two variables in two scrolling fields for easy access.

Figure 1
STACK:linechoosen <-- address and name of function   line 1 of functionlist
  --input  x,y location of the mouse click(use the clickloc)
  -- This is a generally useful function which takes the clickloc 
  -- input and finds out which line in a scrolling field was clicked
BKGND handler lists:findloc 

If you have a really big stack it might still take awhile to wade through all of the information returned so we’ve included two scripts, shown in Listings 3a and 3b, which let you search for keywords in the two fields and automatically scroll the fields to the line where the match was found. Once you’ve found the item of interest you can go directly to the script containing the handler if you put the scripts from listing 6 into the scrolling fields and the scripts from listing 5 into the background or card the scrolling field is in. Just click on the line containing the name of the handler or function you’re interested in and you will be taken to the edit window for that script.

Listing 4 contains some miscellaneous scripts that are required in the stack script. Note that the closestack, checkfreespace, and deletefield handlers are not required but they make life a little nicer. The redolist and popmenu handlers are used by the scripts which search through the stack and make the function and handler lists. The linechoosen function is used by the scripts in listing 6 but it can be used in any scrolling field to see what physical line the user has clicked on.

If you decide to use the scripts in listing 5 and 6, you must make sure that the address line for a function or handler does not occupy more than one physical line in the field you display it in. The distinction between physical and logical lines in a field is fairly simple. As an example suppose that line n of a variable is 80 characters long. If we put that variable into a field which is 60 characters wide then the logical line n of the variable will be shown on physical lines n and n+1. If however you use the fragment

   put line n of field x into temp

Temp will contain the full 80 characters. The reason this is important is that the scripts in listing 4 determine which physical line the mouse has been clicked in and then get that logical line to parse to find the identity of the object containing the script. So if logical line 8 occupies two physical lines then when the user clicks on physical line 24 he will get the wrong answer because logical line 23, not 24, actually contains what is displayed in line 24. This problem is avoided by clipping the length of the logical lines to be less than the physical field width. In the listings the field is assumed to be 75 characters wide. When you set up your card, check that your field is at least this wide. Note that you will not be able to access scripts whose address lines have been truncated because they will not have complete address information. On the other hand you will still be able to access the scripts of handlers displayed after those with names greater than 75 characters in length.

To give you a feel for what a card using these scripts could look like we’ve included a picture of the version we use in Figure 2.

Figure 2

We’ve used a popup menu XFCN as an interface in these scripts because it works well and is an unobtrusive interface. If you don’t have access to any of the several popup menu XFCN’s presently available you have a couple of simple options. You could add a few checkbox buttons to your card which correspond to the popup menu options, or implement a completely HyperTalk-based popup menu using the techniques described in the MacTutor article “Pop-up Menus in HyperTalk” by Joseph Bergin(Vol 4 #5 May 1988 pp85). Notice since the popup menu is always accessed through the function popmenu(in listing 4) you only have to change the call to the XFCN there in order to eliminate the need for the XFCN in the stack.

Please send any comments, bug reports, insults, etc. to

GEnie                                      T.Trinko
AppleLink                                  Trinko
MouseHole                                  TomT
Delphi                                     TTrinko
AppleLink Personal Edition     Trinko2
Listing 2:  This goes into a button labeled “Update”

on mousedown
  --This a mousedown handler so that the popupmenu can be used to let
  -- the user pick whether or not the listing should contain the
  -- comment lines immediately following the start of handlers and/or
  -- functions.
  global linesofcode   --contains the number of lines of HyperTalk
  global temphandlerlist,tempfunctionlist
  put 0 into linesofcode
  --set up the popupmenu
  put “With comments,Without comments” into list
  put the clickloc into loc
  --here we let the user decide whether or not comments will be displayed
  put popmenu(list,loc) into commentflag
  -- if the user cancels then exit
  if commentflag < 1 then exit mousedown
  --let the user know something is happening
  set the cursor to watch
  --clear the variables which will contain the lists
  put empty into handlerlist
  put empty into functionlist
  --start by looking throught the stack script
  put the script of this stack into temp
  add the number of lines in temp to linesofcode
  --get a list of the handlers & functions in the stack script
  findhandler temp,”STACK”,commentflag
  put temphandlerlist into handlerlist
  put tempfunctionlist into functionlist
  --here go through all of the background scripts
  repeat with i=1 to the number of backgrounds
    put the script of bkgnd i into temp
    --check to see if there is a script present in the bkgnd
    if temp is not empty then
      add the number of lines in temp to linesofcode
      --here set up the address
      put “BKGND “ & the short name of bkgnd i into name
      findhandler temp,name,commentflag
      put appendlist(temphandlerlist,handlerlist) into handlerlist
      put appendlist(tempfunctionlist,functionlist) into functionlist
    end if
  end repeat
  --here go through all of the card scripts
  repeat with i=1 to the number of cards
    put the script of card i into temp
    if temp is not empty then
      add the number of lines in temp to linesofcode
      put “CARD “ & the short name of card i into name
      findhandler temp,name,commentflag
      put appendlist(temphandlerlist,handlerlist) into handlerlist
      put appendlist(tempfunctionlist,functionlist) into functionlist
    end if
  end repeat
  --Now we have to actually go to the bkgnds and cards in order to
  -- access the object scripts.  By locking the screen we cut the
  -- processing time.
  set the lockscreen to true
  --Since we know we want to come back to this card pushing the
  --  card will save us a little time.
  push card
  repeat with j=1 to the number of backgrounds
    go to bkgnd j
    if the number of bkgnd fields > 0 then
      repeat with i=1 to the number of bkgnd fields
        put the script of bkgnd field i into temp
        if temp is not empty then
          add the number of lines in temp to linesofcode
          put “BKGND “ into name
          put the short name of bkgnd j  after name
          put “:FIELD “ after name
          put the short name of bkgnd field i after name
          findhandler temp,name,commentflag
          put appendlist(temphandlerlist,handlerlist) into handlerlist
          put appendlist(tempfunctionlist,functionlist) into functionlist
        end if
      end repeat
    end if
    if the number of bkgnd buttons > 0 then
      repeat with i=1 to the number of bkgnd buttons
        put the script of bkgnd button i into temp
        if temp is not empty then
          add the number of lines in temp to linesofcode
          put “BKGND “ into name
          put the short name of bkgnd j  after name
          put “:BUTTON “ after name
          put the short name of bkgnd button i after name
          findhandler temp,name,commentflag
          put appendlist(temphandlerlist,handlerlist) into handlerlist
          put appendlist(tempfunctionlist,functionlist) into functionlist
        end if
      end repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  repeat with j=1 to the number of cards
    go to card j
    if (commentflag < 3) or ((the short name of this bkgnd) is not “model 
space”) then
      if the number of card fields > 0 then
        repeat with i=1 to the number of card fields
          put the script of card field i into temp
          if temp is not empty then
            add the number of lines in temp to linesofcode
            put “CARD “ into name
            put the short name of card j  after name
            put “:FIELD “ after name
            put the short name of card field i after name
            findhandler temp,name,commentflag
            put appendlist(temphandlerlist,handlerlist) into handlerlist
            put appendlist(tempfunctionlist,functionlist) into functionlist
          end if
        end repeat
      end if
    end if
    if the number of card buttons > 0 then
      repeat with i=1 to the number of card buttons
        put the script of card button i into temp
        if temp is not empty then
          add the number of lines in temp to linesofcode
          put “CARD “ into name
          put the short name of card j  after name
          put “:BUTTON “ after name
          put the short name of card button i after name
          findhandler temp,name,commentflag
          put appendlist(temphandlerlist,handlerlist) into handlerlist
          put appendlist(tempfunctionlist,functionlist) into functionlist
        end if
      end repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  --here we return to the original card
  pop card
  set the scroll of bkgnd field “handler” to 0
  put handlerlist into bkgnd field “handler”
  set the scroll of bkgnd  field “functions” to 0
  put functionlist into bkgnd field “functions”
  put “This stack contains “ & linesofcode & “ lines of code(including 
comments)” into message
end mousedown
on findhandler temp,source,commentflag
  --inputs  a script,an address,< 2 --> list comments
  --output  a list containing the first line of each handler and if
  --        commentflag <2 the comment lines imediately following the
  --        first line in the handler in global variable temphandlerlist
  --        a list of the functions in global variable tempfunctionlist
  global temphandlerlist,tempfunctionlist
  put 0 into numhandlers
  put 0 into numfunctions
  put empty into temphandlerlist
  put empty into tempfunctionlist
  repeat with i=1 to the number of lines in temp
    --check to see if the lines starts a handler
    if word 1 of line i of temp is “on” then
      add 1 to numhandlers
      put source & “:” &word 2 of line i of temp into temp1
      --make sure the line fits in the field.  NOTE: if you change
      -- the field width and/or font you should change the 75 to the
      -- appropriate value.  This is necessary because if the address 
of a function or
      -- handler takes up more than one line in the field it will cause 
      put char 1 to 75 of temp1 into line numhandlers of temphandlerlist
      --if the user wants the comments listed
      if commentflag < 2 then
        --a repeat forever might be faster but you could get an error 
        -- a script ended with an unfinished handler
        repeat with k=1 to the number of lines in temp
          if char 3 of line i+k of temp is “-” then
            add 1 to numhandlers
            put char 1 to 75 of line i+k of temp into line numhandlers 
of temphandlerlist
            exit repeat
          end if
        end repeat
      end if
      -- here we deal with the functions
    else if word 1 of line i of temp is “function” then
      add 1 to numfunctions
      put source & “:” & word 2 of line i of temp into temp1
      --if you change the width of the field or the font size you
      -- should change the number 75 as well
      put char 1 to 75 of temp1 into line numfunctions of tempfunctionlist
      if commentflag < 2 then
        repeat with k=1 to 100
          if char 3 of line i+k of temp is “-” then
            add 1 to numfunctions
            put char 1 to 75 of line i+k of temp into line numfunctions 
of tempfunctionlist
            exit repeat
          end if
        end repeat
      end if
    end if
  end repeat
end findhandler

function appendlist newlist,oldlist
  -- input list 1,list 2(both lists are line ordered)
  -- output list 2 with list 1 appended afterwards
  put the number of lines in newlist into nlines
  put the number of lines in oldlist into start
  repeat with i=start+1 to (start+nlines)
    put line i-start of newlist into line i of oldlist
  end repeat
  return oldlist
end appendlist
Listing 3a:  This belongs in a button labeled “Find String”
on mousedown
  --This is a mousedown handler to allow the use of the popup menu
  global lastfoundline,lastfoundchar,findstring,commentflag,fieldname
  put “Handlers,Functions,Both,Cancel” into list
  put the clickloc into loc
  put popmenu(list,loc) into commentflag
  --exit if the user didn’t make a selection or he selected “Cancel”
  if commentflag < 1 or commentflag = the number of items in list¬
  then exit mousedown
  put empty into lastfoundline
  put empty into lastfoundchar
  put empty into findstring
  ask “Enter the string to find”
  --Continue only if the user didn’t cancel or not enter a string
  if it is not empty then
    put it into findstring
    -- let the user know something is going on
    set the cursor to watch
    if commentflag = 1 or commentflag =3 then
      put bkgnd field “handler” into temp1
      put  findloc(temp1,findstring) into temp2
      --if a match was found
      if temp2 is not empty then
        put item 1 of temp2 into lastfoundline
        put item 2 of temp2 into lastfoundchar
        --scroll the field to show the match
        put getscrollline(lastfoundline,”bkgnd field handler”) into scroll
        set the scroll of bkgnd field “handler” to scroll
        --select the line with the match so it appears in inverse
        select line lastfoundline of bkgnd field “handler”
        put “handler” into fieldname
        exit mousedown
      end if
    end if
    --if the user wanted only functions or both searched
    if commentflag > 1 then
      put bkgnd field “functions” into temp1
      put  findloc(temp1,findstring) into temp2
      if temp2 is not empty then
        put item 1 of temp2 into lastfoundline
        put item 2 of temp2 into lastfoundchar
        put getscrollline(lastfoundline,”bkgnd field functions”) into 
        set the scroll of bkgnd field “functions” to scroll
        select line lastfoundline of bkgnd field “functions”
        put “functions” into fieldname
        exit mousedown
      end if
    end if
  end if
  put “Sorry the string was not found” into message
end mousedown
Listing 3b:  This goes in a button labeled “Find Next”

on mouseUp
  global lastfoundline,lastfoundchar,findstring,commentflag,fieldname
  --let the user know something is going on
  set the cursor to watch
  if (commentflag = 1 or commentflag =3) and fieldname = “handler” then
    --search the rest of the field after the last match for the next
    put line lastfoundline + 1 to (the number of lines in bkgnd field¬
    “handler”) of bkgnd field “handler” into temp1
    put  findloc(temp1,findstring) into temp2
    if temp2 is not empty then
      add item 1 of temp2 to lastfoundline
      put getscrollline(lastfoundline,”bkgnd field handler”) into scroll
      set the scroll of bkgnd field “handler” to scroll
      select line lastfoundline of bkgnd field “handler”
      exit mouseup
    end if
  end if
  if commentflag > 1 then
    put line lastfoundline + 1 to (the number of lines in bkgnd field¬
    “functions”) of bkgnd field “functions” into temp1
    put  findloc(temp1,findstring) into temp2
    if temp2 is not empty then
      add item 1 of temp2 to lastfoundline
      put item 2 of temp2 into lastfoundchar
      put getscrollline(lastfoundline,”bkgnd field functions”) into scroll
      set the scroll of bkgnd field “functions” to scroll
      select line lastfoundline of bkgnd field “functions”
      exit mouseup
    end if
  end if
  put “Sorry.  No other match found.”
end mouseUp
Listing 4:  These handlers go into the stack script

on closestack
  -- when leaving check to see if you should do garbage collection
  -- if there is more than 15k free then compact the stack
end closestack
function popmenu list,loc
  -- input: list of options,location of menu
  -- output: number of menu item picked 0 if none or cancel
  -- this takes a list of options,and a menu location and displays
  -- a menu.  It also checks to see if the user picks the cancel option
  if the number of items in list < 1 then
    put “Cancel” into list
  end if
  put ((the number of items in list) + 10) into nlist
  put redolist (list) into list
  put item 1 of  loc+50 into h
  put item 2 of  loc+50 into v
  -- This is Andrew Gilmartins Popup Menu XFCN
  get PopUpMenu(list,nlist, v, h)
  if it is 0 then
    put “You must hold the mouse button down on this button to see the 
  end if
  return it
end popmenu
function redolist list
  --input list in format “a,b,c,d”
  --output list in format “a;b;c;d”
  -- this just reformats the list for popupmenu to use “;” as the
  -- item seperator not “,”
  put empty into newlist
  repeat with x=1 to the number of items in list
    put item x of list & “;” after newlist
  end repeat
  return newlist
end redolist
on deleteField
  -- this protects you against accidentilly deleting a field
  answer “Do you really want to delete this Field?” with “ok” or “No 
  if it is not “ok” then
    click at “999,999”
    exit deletefield
    pass deletefield
  end if
end deletefield
function linechoosen loc
  --input  x,y location of the mouse click(use the clickloc)
  -- This is a generally useful function which takes the clickloc as
  -- input and finds out which line in a scrolling field was clicked 
  put second item of loc into pos
  put pos - the top of the target into pos
  put pos + the scroll of the target into pos
  get the textsize of the target
  put it+trunc(it/3) into size
  put trunc(pos/size)+1 into linehit
  return linehit
end linechoosen
on checkfreespace
  -- This checks on the amount of garbage needing collecting
  get the freesize of this stack
  if it > 15000 then
    put “Please wait,I’m doing some garbage collection” into message
    domenu “compact stack”
    hide message
  end if
end checkfreespace

Listing 5:  These go into the bkgnd and are used by the scripts in the 
     scrolling fields to get the identity of the script that should be

function finditemname temp
  --input  a string
  --output the address of the handler/function defined in that line
  --        if the line doesn’t contain such an address empty is returned
  put empty into address
  put offset(“:”,temp) into colon1
  -- if the line doesn’t contain a : it is not a valid line
  if colon1 < 1 then
    return address
    exit finditemname
    --here get rid of everything prior to the address
    put findsegment(temp) into temp1
    put item 2 of temp1 into temp
    --here loop over the address segments
    -- the first segment will be the actual object and the second will
    -- be the card or bkgnd that its in.
    repeat with i=1 to 2
      put findsegment(temp) into temp1
      put item 1 of temp1 into tempaddress
      -- if the item is in the stack card or bkgnd script go right to 
      if tempaddress is “stack” and i=1 then
        put “this stack” into address
        return address
        exit finditemname
      else if word 1 of tempaddress is “bkgnd” and i=1 then
        put insertquotes(tempaddress) into address
        return address
        exit finditemname
      else if word 1 of tempaddress is “card” and i=1 then
        put insertquotes(tempaddress) into address
        return address
        exit finditemname
        if i=1 then
          put insertquotes(tempaddress) into item 1 of address
          put insertquotes(tempaddress) into item 2 of address
          if word 1 of tempaddress is “bkgnd” then
            put “bkgnd “  before item 1 of address
          end if
        end if
      end if
      put item 2 of temp1 into temp
    end repeat
    return address
  end if
end finditemname
function insertquotes tempaddress
  --input  string
  --output string with quotes around all but first word
  put the number of words in tempaddress into temp
  put 1 into start
  if word 1 of tempaddress is word 2 of tempaddress then
    put 2 into start
  end if
  put word start of tempaddress  into tempadd
  repeat with k=start+1 to temp
    put “ “ after tempadd
    if start is 1 and k is (start+1) then
      put quote after tempadd
    end if
    put  word k of tempaddress after tempadd
  end repeat
  if start = 1 then
    put quote after tempadd
  end if
  return tempadd
end insertquotes
function findsegment temp
  --input a string
  --output segment after last colon,segment before last colon
  put the number of chars in temp into len
  repeat with i=len down to 1
    if char i of temp is “:” then
      put char (i+1) to len of temp into segment
      put char 1 to i-1 of temp into item 2 of segment
      return segment
      exit findsegment
    end if
  end repeat
  return temp
end findsegment
Listing 6:  This goes into the script for the two scrolling fields
on mouseup
  global hit,temp,address
  put the clickloc into loc
  put linechoosen(loc) into hit
  put line hit of bkgnd field “handler” into temp
  --get the address of the object(card button “test” of card “huh?”)
  put finditemname(temp) into address
  if address is empty then
    put “Sorry. This line doesn’t contain the name of an object.”
    exit mouseup
  end if
  --addresses are of two types those that work from anywhere
  --”edit the script of this stack” for example or those that only
  --work in a bkgnd or card such as “edit the script of button “test””
  if item 2 of address is  empty then
    edit the script of address
    go to (item 2 of address)
    edit the script of item 1 of address
  end if
end mouseup


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Apple has clearance 13″ M1 MacBook Airs, Certified Refurbished, available for $759 for 8-Core CPU/7-Core GPU/256GB models and $929 for 8-Core CPU/8-Core GPU/512GB models. Apple’s one-year warranty is... Read more
Updated Apple MacBook Price Trackers
Our Apple award-winning MacBook Price Trackers are continually updated with the latest information on prices, bundles, and availability for 16″ and 14″ MacBook Pros along with 13″ and 15″ MacBook... Read more
Every model of Apple’s 13-inch M3 MacBook Air...
Best Buy has Apple 13″ MacBook Airs with M3 CPUs in stock and on sale today for $100 off MSRP. Prices start at $999. Their prices are the lowest currently available for new 13″ M3 MacBook Airs among... Read more
Sunday Sale: Apple iPad Magic Keyboards for 1...
Walmart has Apple Magic Keyboards for 12.9″ iPad Pros, in Black, on sale for $150 off MSRP on their online store. Sale price for online orders only, in-store price may vary. Order online and choose... Read more
Apple Watch Ultra 2 now available at Apple fo...
Apple has, for the first time, begun offering Certified Refurbished Apple Watch Ultra 2 models in their online store for $679, or $120 off MSRP. Each Watch includes Apple’s standard one-year warranty... Read more

Jobs Board

DMR Technician - *Apple* /iOS Systems - Haml...
…relevant point-of-need technology self-help aids are available as appropriate. ** Apple Systems Administration** **:** Develops solutions for supporting, deploying, Read more
Omnichannel Associate - *Apple* Blossom Mal...
Omnichannel Associate - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Read more
Operations Associate - *Apple* Blossom Mall...
Operations Associate - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Read more
Cashier - *Apple* Blossom Mall - JCPenney (...
Cashier - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Blossom Mall Read more
IT Systems Engineer ( *Apple* Platforms) - S...
IT Systems Engineer ( Apple Platforms) at SpaceX Hawthorne, CA SpaceX was founded under the belief that a future where humanity is out exploring the stars is Read more
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