The Manga Guide series has helped readers master challenging STEM topics like electricity, biochemistry, statistics, databases, and relativity. No Starch Press’s 13th release in the series, The Manga Guide to Regression Analysis (No Starch Press, $24.95, 232 pp., June 2016), gives regression analysis a fun manga makeover that is sure to help students learn this often-difficult topic.

The Manga Guides have been praised as “absolutely amazing for teaching complex ideas and theories” (Physics Today) and “charming and engaging” (School Library Journal) in their ability to turn these technical subjects into fun. This newest book in the series continues in this vein, opening with a refresher on the basic math needed for regression analysis, before teaching readers how to calculate regression equations, assess their analysis with hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, calculate probabilities of future events, perform diagnostics checks to verify the validity of their analysis, perform core tests like chi-squared tests and F-tests, and take statistics shortcuts with Excel functions.

Each book in the Manga Guide series is: translated from the original Japanese; reviewed by technical experts to ensure accuracy; full of Japanese examples that make lessons memorable; designed to make challenging topics understandable and accessible for everyone; singular in its use of manga as a STEM teaching vehicles and easily digestible at around 200 pages.

The Manga Guide to Regression Analysis ( takes a tough, technical subject and makes it fun to learn, with authentic Japanese anecdotes and a manga story, With the help of The Manga Guide to Regression Analysis, any student can tackle this tricky statistics technique.